Recent content by Caracus

  1. Caracus

    Canon 10-18mm or 10-22mm

    Had a quick play with a friends copy of the 10-18mm at the weekend and previously owner the 10-22mm myself. I would say on balance go for the 10-18. Its a lot cheaper (£300 vs about £430 for 10-22 with current rebate) and takes photos that are at least as good if not better and benefits from IS...
  2. Caracus

    Canon 20mm qualities?

    is 20mm really going to be wide enough? Maybe worth stretching budget a little further to the 17-40 if you don't need the faster aperture (2.8 vs 4) of the 20mm (you wont for landscapes most of the time). Maybe just save for the 16-35mm f2.8 II I have this lens and its great! (previously...
  3. Caracus

    The future of photography.

    Freudian innuendo aside mirror less cameras are still some way from being able to replace SLR's for all users/uses. I own two mirroless bodies and two SLR bodies and still prefer the SLR's when I don't need to be a bit more discrete or travel light. There will still be a market for CSC's it...
  4. Caracus

    The future of photography.

    For most people camera phones and tablets are 'good enough' and to be fair they are. The markets been increasingly eaten up from the bottom with first the cheap point and shoots suffering and now the compact system cameras suffering to an extent.
  5. Caracus

    Canon 17-55 2.8

    My 17-55 exhibits lens creep when the lens in pointing down. Its a pretty sizeable lens with relatively free motion for quick adjustment of the zoom so to be expected. My 24-70 f2.8 has a lock to prevent this at its widest setting
  6. Caracus

    Windows 7 and windows 8

    having you configured the sharing options on both PC's via the control panel? - Networking and Sharing center (on Win7 at least) and selected some folder to share on the PC you want to access (right click on folder you want to share>properties>sharing then select appropriate option)?
  7. Caracus

    Tamron lens for canon 6d

    The lower end if the zoom range is better spaced on the 24-70 f2.8 II compared to the 24-105. The whole extra stop of light is a big deal mostly compensating for the lack of image stabilisation and the overall image quality is just that much better than (the already good 24-105) 70 on a ff does...
  8. Caracus

    Tamron lens for canon 6d

    plus one. I own the 24-70 2.8 II and its a cracking lens. If you're serious about your photography you will only end up spending more to upgrade later on. Re sale value on the Canon lens is likely to remain high aswell so you won't. Lose too much if you ever decide to sell it
  9. Caracus

    A Cautionary Tale – SD cards

    All true but given that even one days photography (like a wedding) could be a tragic loss with a similar failure and you would have to rely on in camera redundancy (or multiple bodies) for safety as you would be unlikely to have much time to back up photos externally then I would now lean...
  10. Caracus

    A Cautionary Tale – SD cards

    Was my honeymoon so had other things to worry about in run up to going away! Fortunately the missus made good use of the Canon body I bought her as a present for the the holiday so not all was lost! I could have deleted some stuff on the laptop (it had a 120gb SSD) but was caught up with the...
  11. Caracus

    Advice Needed Plz - Upgrade from 30D to 7d or 5d for Ice Hockey ??

    7D can struggle with high ISO compared to some more modern bodies, considered the 70D? A lot of people prefer it to the older, if better built 7D.
  12. Caracus

    canon 17-55 or 17-40 (just after a count of thumbs up or down)

    No contest on a crop body. Only thing going for the 17-40 is perhaps build quality and compatibility with full frame bodies should you ever jump
  13. Caracus

    A Cautionary Tale – SD cards

    Good points, i always thought that sort of physical damage to the card that failure of this magnitude with branded media would be a real rarity, maybe I was just really unlucky. I have bought a couple of new high capacity SD cards and think buying some smaller capacity CF cards to go with a 5D...
  14. Caracus

    A Cautionary Tale – SD cards

    Cards completely unreadable, defo a hardware fault so no chance of any recovery via software. If it wasn't a 'monolithic' chip the data could have been recovered by removing the data chip (physically) from the PCB and reading it with some specialist equipment (which mimics the 'controller'...
  15. Caracus

    A Cautionary Tale – SD cards

    Back in October I went on the holiday of a life time, a three and a half week drive around the west coast of America. I took my new Canon 6D with me and captured probably some of the best photos I have ever taken. After about a week I downloaded the files from the SD card to my laptop but these...