Recent content by chubster1969

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    Red Kite over the M40

  2. C

    What a spotty family

    Thanks Mike, i know i'm a little lazy with post pro under the guise of what i shot is what you get. Have lits more but maybe just one more for now........
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    In the Pink

    Lake Nakuru, Kenya.
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    Crowned Crane

    Kenya, Massai Mara.
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    What a spotty family

    Kenya, Massai Mara guided by Stu nd the team a wild4.
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    Same old dilemma - do I take my Nikon 600mm f4 to S Africa

    I travel to southern africa every year, each year i pack lighter than the previous but i never leave any camera kit, i take 3 bodies 1dx2 5dsr and 7d2, 24-105, 70-200 2.8, 100-400, 300 2.8, and 500f4 with the 500f4 packed in the centre of my checked holdall. Camera bag is heavy but Virgin have...
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    1Dx mkii or 5D mkiv?

    I also use the 500 f4 and 100-400 with both 1dx mk2 and the 7d2, for me the extra reach of the 7d2 with the crop factor works only when the light is reasonably good. Here in the UK the 1dx mk2 has to be the go,to for wildlife if you have the means. Liw light performance, fantastic AF system ...
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    Safari recommendations

    Take a look at the tours offered are specialist photographic tours lead by Stu Porter. Stu is a professional photographer and a fully qualified field guide. Leading small groups ensuring plenty of space for your equipment and access to both sides of the vehicle...
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    RSPCA Young Photographer of the Year

    Awesome work
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    Shooting snow

    When shooting in snow you will have to compensate for the white of snow when setting your exposure up as snow will fool the metering n the camera
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    ISO and Exposure query

    There is a great little AP for smart phones on exposure, it allows you to see the impact on the ISO shutter speed or aperture by adjusting any one setting
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    Is it a bad Idea to have a go at loads of styles of photography?

    How can you be sure you have found you style unless you continue to experiment from time to time