Recent content by Circles

  1. Circles

    Club Photography

    Eos JD, I understand what you mean and I'm not arguing either, with you or anyone else come to that. As others have mentioned they have their own ideas and preferences to enable them to get the results that they want. If we all did everything in exactly the same way then it would be a pretty...
  2. Circles

    Club Photography

    Hmmmm well! he did say he wanted the atmosphere of the night. Yes we can all drag shutters and we can all expose for reasonable light levels and blast a subject with a flash but you do that at the expense of the atmosphere. I've made a lot of my living from taking pictures of stage shows and...
  3. Circles

    Club Photography

    Using any flash at all will ruin the atmosphere, as you will light up your subject with white light and the effect created by the club's own lighting will be lost. So I'd put the flash off for the time being. A successful outcome depends on what kind of lighting is illuminating your subjects...
  4. Circles

    tips on larger models?

    Well the answer lies in liquify more than anything you can do with lighting and angles. Fat is fat. I have shot thousands of overweight people and if you make them look just a little bit thinner they are happy. Liquify is your friend in this respect. Obviously, don't make obvious errors, like...
  5. Circles


    Here is a Hollywood image taken from the 40's era of Maureen O'hara. It is this style that I was playing with. As you can see the skin is softened and the shadows are pretty harsh but that was the look then that I was after. If I changed it and softened the shadows it would be that look anymore...
  6. Circles

    is Wedding Photography necessary ?

    No I don't think I have made my self very clear, I think there are many brilliant reportage wedding photographers out there, although you and I differ on what we mean by reportage. To me, reportage would be some candids but my main shots would definitely be managed to look like they may have...
  7. Circles


    Well Harvey and Donki, Thank you for your kind remarks, that is exactly what I was doing, I looked very carefully at the lighting often, used by some 40's Hollywood portrait photographers, but not all, and the amount of harshness on the shadow is about what they had a lot of the time. Again the...
  8. Circles

    is Wedding Photography necessary ?

    I haven't at all. What I am pointing out is that there are a lot of new photographers in the wedding market that have latched onto the reportage scene who aren't good photographers. You may be a good photographer, and you may pride yourself on your work and you get a decent fee for it, and I...
  9. Circles

    is Wedding Photography necessary ?

    Well I doubt if this is going to go down well but I have done many weddings but I have now stopped doing them. I don't think people should pay anyone for their wedding photos anymore. Everyone who had a camera for Christmas last year is now a wedding photographer. They'll go out for nothing...
  10. Circles


    Hi, I didn't save the original psd for what I did. So I have downloaded your image again and made similar adjustments, not quite identical but better in my opinion to the first one I did. I kept the psd and uploaded that to my webspace. Go to the following link and you'll be able to download...
  11. Circles


    Thank you, I'm not saying this is better by the way, it isn't, it's different to the other 2 that's all. I'm just throwing another variable in to the mix. This one has been done using a brown tint but any colour of your choice could have been used. The one thing I would say no matter which...
  12. Circles

    Liliana Shoot

    Well bringing your lighting down to a lower angle has certainly evened up the fall off that you had previously. This is a much better lit image than the previous one and works really well against the black wall. I particularly like the fact that you have retained the detail in the wall. It gives...
  13. Circles

    My wife was mugged today!

    Sorry I should imagine that you must be so frustrated having to keep on arresting and releasing the same old offenders all the time. What I meant by the Police not being interested was probably a little simplistic a term to use. I think the police have so much to do with all this insane...
  14. Circles


    Have you considered using a warming effect and then adjust opacity to suit. and then desaturate it. It will give you are halfway stage which I tried on your image and looked it ok. If you like I can show it here to illustrate my point.