Recent content by Citizen of Bath

  1. Citizen of Bath

    Filming in public places

    I see your point, but human rights lawyers differentiate between the two things. For example, in the Racial and Religious Hatred Act 2006, the text states that "References in this Part to the publication or distribution of written material are to its publication or distribution to the public or...
  2. Citizen of Bath

    Filming in public places

    I still have my doubts: why do you say the issue is the publishing of the images? They were posted on a WhatsApp group, which means it's not a publication, but a post on a private space. It's not like X, Instagram or TalkPhotography. As far as I know, you can't read messages from a WhatsApp...
  3. Citizen of Bath

    Filming in public places

    As far as I know, there is no such statute and even case-law is minimal. Sara Cox v The People is a little bit similar but it ended with a settlement, not a court decision. Quoting Bernadette Rainey, "Human Rights Law", Oxford University Press, 2013, p. 113: "Under English common law...
  4. Citizen of Bath

    Filming in public places

    The OP talked of, I quote, "a law that protects vulnerable patients being covertly filmed in hospital". That's the taking of pictures/video, and it must be authorised by the hospital managers. I'm not sure I understand why you think that is wrong or irrelevant. Then there is the problem of...
  5. Citizen of Bath

    Filming in public places

    I gave the example of the absence of the right of freedom of expression in my home. What are your counterexamples or counter-proposals? In my opinion, to say "wrong" lacks justification.
  6. Citizen of Bath

    Can I wash a camera bag? :D

    I would drop a line to ThinkTank and ask them. Apparently, they have a good customer service.
  7. Citizen of Bath

    Filming in public places

    An Englishman's home is his castle. In my opinion, this is a very simple case: filming or taking pictures in a hospital can't be done if it's not authorised by the hospital management. Laws like the Human Rights Act are not relevant. For instance, your freedom of expression makes no sense in...
  8. Citizen of Bath

    What is it?

    I saw her again this morning and maybe her tail can help identification? View:
  9. Citizen of Bath

    What is it?

    Is the colour right? Looking at pictures on Google Images, the female Black Redstart looks more grey than brown.
  10. Citizen of Bath

    What is it?

    Thank you very much to all of you.
  11. Citizen of Bath

    What is it?

    Thank you very much!
  12. Citizen of Bath

    What is it?

    Thank you very much! I didn't think of the Google image search thing. They also talk of Familiar Chats, what do you think? Edit: those chats apparently live in South Africa, not here in Europe.
  13. Citizen of Bath

    What is it?

    I saw this bird today in the Jura mountains (France). Its size is similar to a sparrow's, with a more slender body. Do you know what it is? Many thanks in advance for your help. The picture is on Flickr: View:
  14. Citizen of Bath

    Tutorial Should you use a filter on your lens?

    Being a clumsy chap, I use a hood in all circonstances. It's my insurance against bumps.
  15. Citizen of Bath

    Let's see your... "vintage lenses on modern body" shots.

    The Hoover building on the A40, taken from the upper deck of the Oxford Tube bus. Nikkor 50mm f/1.2 AI-s (1981) on Nikon D810. 1/200, f/1.2, ISO 800.