Recent content by ComdocUk

  1. C

    A stack of chairs.

    Yes I like the triangle effect on the lower half and the both top corners balance out: clap
  2. C


    Well done it would be nice to achieve what you have done:clap
  3. C

    5 Minutes to Spare

    No3 for me I like the patterns of rain drops
  4. C


    How about trying mono or even sepia to show the age of the barrels: also remove the White labels before converting:
  5. C

    A couple of shots

    Yes very nice shots I like no. 3 with the movement of the car and the rest in focus:thumbs
  6. C

    Coffee and milk splash

    The splash is to small try cropping the cup so u can see the handle and the top of the cup so the splash is larger in the frame and if you keep the handle it will put the splash off centre:thumbes
  7. C

    My Marbles

    I keep looking at the fourth marble outside of the triangle try it with just three:nice image and the backdrop does not bother me:thumbs
  8. C


    Very imaginative price of art:thumbs
  9. C

    Lyme Boats - HDR

    I like this image and the sky gives it drama, When I try HDR I tend to overdo it and end up leaving alone. Which HDR software do you use ?.
  10. C

    Raw thumbnail viewer for Windows 7 ?

    Live picture package in win 7 shows raw files as thumbs:
  11. C

    Vintage glamour shot...sort of...

    I think that the statues @ the right end seem lost in the background you might try croping out the steps:thumbs
  12. C

    Few shots recently - portraits/general

    Hi Tom #3 is a cracking image I like the oldy worldy look in the sky #1 #4 do appear to be flat #2 the iPhone I am drawn to the bottle/glass on the left of the image:clap
  13. C

    London Calling

    #1 I like the bridge lines leading you in and #3 I like the colouring in that one very nice images #2 I think you could crop the water to just below the bridge foot on the left again I like the sky:thumbs
  14. C

    A New Ghostbuster

    I would remove the background on the lower left and right and replace with black:clap