Recent content by Csayce

  1. C

    B&W photos with coloured filters????

    Thank you mark for the link I shall take a look I'm currently exploring some other forums as well to help me with this subject and I appreciate all the help I've been getting from *** like yourself. Cheers
  2. C

    B&W photos with coloured filters????

    Thank you for you're comment I've followed a link that was posted here in the thread and I've seen there are indeed free plug ins and yes they should work but after further reading I think I'm going to try and steer clear of these and use the manual settings from what I've read this seems to be...
  3. C

    Tutorial Selective Colour in PSE

    Fantastic thank you for taking the time to post this as this is what I've been looking for I mistakenly thought it was archived through the use of coloured filters while taking a B&W photo (see how new to photography I am) but I was given the link to you're thread and I'm now going to sit in...
  4. C

    B&W photos with coloured filters????

    Thank you nick this is very handy I'm also seeing from the thread that mike gave that there are plugins for PSP that also help with B&W photos which are free to D/ load and use so with the help of you all I should be able to at least get a grasp of how to do this again thank you to all who've...
  5. C

    B&W photos with coloured filters????

    I'm just reading the thread that Mike gave me the link too. Hopefully it will give me an explanation on how to carry ths out in PSP if not I'll YouTube it.
  6. C

    B&W photos with coloured filters????

    Thank you for the link I shall take a look at it right now also thank you to every one who's posted their opinions I reall appreciate you're help.
  7. C

    B&W photos with coloured filters????

    Thank you for the link but I do have PSP x3 and I've not used gimp before :/
  8. C

    B&W photos with coloured filters????

    So what I'm gathering is that I'd have to photoshop the picture to get the effect I want? And that really colour filters have no effect on B&W photos as the trickery inside the cameras brains turns the picture into B&W no matter the filter used?
  9. C

    B&W photos with coloured filters????

    Hello Nick and thank you for the welcome. Yes the effect I would like to master is the selection of a certain colour in a B&W photo for example a B&W photo of my back yard and every thing in B&W except the lawn which is mostly green ( there are some brown dead patches) but I would really like to...
  10. C

    B&W photos with coloured filters????

    Hello I'm quite new to photography and over the last few months I've been buying all manner of equipment for my cameras. Now I have many different coloured filters both solid and gradual and my question is based in this when buying some of the coloured filters there were explanations that...