Recent content by D.A.S.B.Q.

  1. D

    Lighthouse - how do I improve the shot.

    Goodness my photo is filthy :bonk: I am suitably inspired by your link and should have looked for reflections. Many Thanks. Kenny
  2. D

    Lighthouse - how do I improve the shot.

    Wow so much help, thanks everyone. I can see the tilt in the portrait shot but not in the other. My eyes aren't the best and colours are often a problem as I have a habit of tinting skies turquoise but had not considered changing to B/W. I know the rule of thirds but naughty me doesn't always...
  3. D

    Lighthouse - how do I improve the shot.

    Its a popular subject although I have not photographed one before. Here are two of my better shots but they still seem lacking in something. I would appreciate any tips to liven these shots up. In the portrait shot I tried to use the railings as lead in lines but there was always...
  4. D

    Thank you birders at St. Marys Lighthouse

    Hello everyone I bumped into a couple of birders who suggested this site. I dont know their names but thank you all the same. I had intended uploading many of my previous shots but looking at the quality of the galleries I dont think mine are up to the mark. I'll upload a few and...
  5. D

    Web site

    Hi Mark Im new too! I have used LensesForHire, I hired a 300mm f2.8 and it should have come with a health warning - its addictive and you wont want to send the lens back! Regards Kenny
  6. D

    Red Legged Partridge

    Yes it was a big crop as it was at the far end of my 250mm. As with most of my shots I have sharpened slightly.
  7. D

    Red Legged Partridge

    Here goes with my first post. I hope you all like this shot.