Recent content by D Alishouse

  1. D

    Same girl and hour apart

    Nice. It's fascinating what make up and lighting can do. It kind of makes me wish I could have a continual touch up on my own make up and walk only through magic hour light, I would make a much better impression on the world! Seriously, though, really interesting example.
  2. D

    I'm quite shocked........

    I imagine using digital in a classroom setting is more of a cost thing then a purposeful snub to film. However, it certainly reflects the trend of the masses. I have a friend who went to film school (moving pictures!) and he said that the special 16mm class which was supposed to use the 16mm...
  3. D

    Do you need a backup body?

    As an amateur the only time I would consider a backup body is if I was heading off into the wilderness or some adventure that was once in a lifetime type thing. And if that adventure was nearby a reliable camera store then I wouldn't even worry about it then. Backups are necessary (as has been...
  4. D

    A different take on a wedding album.

    Just a quick opinion. I think this could definitely be something that could work as an additional keepsake of the wedding. I would agree that the pacing of this was a bit slow for a general audience, but the wedding couple would probably be a bit more patient. I liked the use of the sketch...
  5. D

    Music and Effects

    I don't know if you are still looking, but you can also give a shot. They have some really high quality music and, depending on your use and the artist, can be totally royalty free. Sometimes I just Google Royalty Free Music or Royalty Free Sound FX.
  6. D

    A squirrel question

    I love this idea. Right at this moment I'm looking out my window at about a foot of fresh snow that's sitting on my fence and envisioning your "Squirrel on Fence" shots. I hope you post some of them if they work out. Also, I think weighting the tripod down should work. Unless you have...
  7. D

    How do you keep your bugs still?

    Those are great shots, Jomike. Sugar water and getting out when it's cooler are great ideas. Do you spray the sugar water only on the leaves or have you tried squirting the subject just a bit in order to slow them down? I think the best idea is exactly what you suggest, get them while...
  8. D

    European Adder

    This is excellent. Great eye light and tongue flick moment! How was this for you? Do you like snakes or was it it a paid gig? Did you have a way of attracting the snake in a particular direction? Really good texture in this. I can't stop looking at it and I don't care much for snakes at all.
  9. D

    What would you recommend?

    I have a friend who shoots mini commercial spots for cable TV on a Canon Vixia HF S30. It shoots HD, good enough for broadcast quality. It's just a little camera that you might see someone using for family vacations. I think it shoots to 32G memory cards and has two slots. I'm not sure if that...
  10. D

    Adobe's New Upgrade Policy - Not good news!

    I can understand current customers wanting to receive some special treatment when a software company releases an upgrade. Customers like to be appreciated. However, I think it's entirely possible to utilize older versions of the software that you already own instead of running out to purchase...
  11. D

    Does anybody ever buy gear that they never end up using?

    That's a great question. It's also interesting to see the responses! I have never left anything unused. In fact, most of the time I end up packing everything with me (if possible). I can't stand not having options available. I don't want to be left thinking that I could have pulled off a...
  12. D

    Making Behind the scenes Movies?

    This is a really good idea. I think it is a great way to introduce yourself to clients, and it's a great tool to use online as well. The whole thing looked very good and I, too, really liked showing the final product at the end. My only suggestion would be to do it again at a different shoot...