Recent content by Dave sp3

  1. D

    Sigma 120-300 2.8, really that good?

    im also thinking of getting a 120-300, i tried one at the focus show and it felt not to bad handheld, not to heavy i thought and felt well balanced :) desantnik.... the belt mounted monopod idear, which ive seen alot of the pro`s using at various circuits do you have to make them youself or...
  2. D

    Sensor cleaning - online video tutorial

    thats a great help cheers :plusone:
  3. D

    On me bike Part II

    wow they are stunning :thumbs:
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    cheers for the welcome guys :thumbs: dont think i will sell me bikefor more bits just yet :lol:
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    hi ive just got into photography this last six months, bought the camera mainly for motorcycle racing, an now im getting the photography bug