Recent content by Declan

  1. Declan

    New to purchasing on Ebay

    Thanks guys! Sorry if the questions sound really dumb because I didn't have to worry about these issues back in my home country! When I mean private seller, I meant someone from a country e.g. Australia who used to own a camera and wants to sell it second hand on ebay.
  2. Declan

    New to purchasing on Ebay

    Thanks, I've read that already! My question is that if the company is in HK but claims that the item is shipping from London, will VAT still be imposed? Also, if I am buying from a private seller without a company overseas, will I have to pay customs and TAX as well?
  3. Declan

    New to purchasing on Ebay

    Hm, so even if it ships from London, VAT *might* be payable?
  4. Declan

    New to purchasing on Ebay

    Hi guys, I've never bought from ebay before (my country never supported it well) but now that I'm in the UK, I was hoping to buy a camera through ebay. I've a question though: Say the seller has 99.4% positive ratings and is based in hong kong but he sells at item for X GBP but states that the...
  5. Declan

    Wales New to Cardiff, need tips

    Thanks guys! An embarassing question though: How do the busses here work? Do I just wait at a bus stop and hop on to the bus that is heading the direction that I want to and pay in cash or do I have to buy a special card?
  6. Declan

    Wales New to Cardiff, need tips

    Hi guys, am an international student new to Cardiff. I love photography but I've been spending the past few days settling into the city and the country and haven't had the time to explore. A few questions: -What are the MUST VISIT locations here in Cardiff for photography? -Is the cardiff...