Recent content by dest

  1. D

    Dog Appreciation Thread, post your fave dog shots here...

    Stanley, he is a Sprocker (Cocker/springer spaniel cross)
  2. D

    Help please

    I had a go fiddle... removed the passengers, cable and also both street lamps too
  3. D

    Help please

    Agreed, b&w with the passengers removed would look excellent! I'm happy to do it in photoshop if you want :)
  4. D

    Audi RS4

    I understand what you're saying, yes its quite a plain location. However, when its sunny you can get really nice shots like this Typically, when I left my house it was bright sunshine, when I got there it was very dark and about to throw it down with rain! Due to that I thought I'd...
  5. D

    Audi RS4

    I'm finally starting to get the hang on my new D5100 and shake off my deeply ingrained Lumix G1 habits! Hopefully these are considered a good start... all feedback welcome, good or bad :)
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    Chester the Basset Hound

    I take quite a lot of photos of our Basset, so thought I'd start a thread to keep them all in. It will also help chart my progress with my new D5100, Ive only had it a few days and have lots to learn since changing over from my Lumix G1 :) So here's my first effect taken this morning... All...
  7. D

    Nikon D5xxx Owners Thread

    Ive had my D5100 a few days now, bought 2nd hand on here. I had a Panasonic Lumix G1 for 3 years and loved it! I got frustrated at times as it was a little limited, but as my first ever DSLR I learnt a great deal from it and really enjoyed using it. I felt it was time to upgrade and chose the...
  8. D

    "Panasonic G series" Owners Thread

    A couple more to tempt you further lol These are nothing special, literally the first couple of shots I took with it, Ive not had time for a proper play about yet
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    "Panasonic G series" Owners Thread

    I got a Samyang fish eye this morning, loving it so far! :D A couple of test shots....
  10. D

    Red Kites

    They'll never be an obsession, we get them in the garden nearly every day! If anything, we don't appreciate them enough
  11. D

    Evo magazine shot recreated

    The colour of my car catches the sun very well :D
  12. D

    Panasonic G5 Pre-order Discounts

    This is'nt the first one they have done, but none of the others were leaked
  13. D

    A typical "What camera next" type thread!

    One of the main reasons is being able to review shots in the view finder. Im no expert yet, and like to review what Ive taken so I can adjust settings to get the final shot. I find it impossible to view them in detail on the rear monitor, especially in bright conditions
  14. D

    "Panasonic G series" Owners Thread

    I took this with my 45-200, at the time I was unaware of the extra optical zoom, so could of made them even better
  15. D

    A typical "What camera next" type thread!

    After considering all the pros and cons, Im going to go for a G5