Recent content by DigestiveBag

  1. DigestiveBag

    Google Chrome...Any good?

    I guess that makes sense, maybe could have been worded better, which I assume it now is. I'm downloading it now.......
  2. DigestiveBag

    Google Chrome...Any good?

    Sorry for delayed reply. I wouldn't say it causes me a problem as such, I just choose not to use it. But the offending bit is/was: 11.1 You retain copyright and any other rights you already hold in Content which you submit, post or display on or through, the Services. By submitting, posting...
  3. DigestiveBag

    Google Chrome...Any good?

    Although it may have changed now, I still can't get over the original Chrome T&Cs that basically stated they can use, publish, do whatever they like with anything submitted through their browser. Google it ( in your choice browser of course ;p ) it's quite intesting. By the way, I don't read...
  4. DigestiveBag

    H&S gone mad

    The compulsory H&S training at my current job was great! The regional h&s managers exact words were 'You know how to lift a box properly don't you? Good. Oh, and by the way, the sides of the swimming pools may be a little slippy! ' and then proceeded to read his emails. He wasn't neglecting his...
  5. DigestiveBag

    OSX Lion For Macs.

    I believe XP to vista and vista to 7 can be upgraded unless changing from 32 to 64 bit, and although XP to 7 cant be directly upgraded there are tools from Microsoft to make it as painless as possible. I however prefer clean installs as I just never trust them, Windows and Mac! Guess that's what...
  6. DigestiveBag

    OSX Lion For Macs.

    Then again Mr Jobs has been known to throw people off the scent. Wasn't an Apple tablet device rumour denied....then hey presto, what do we have? I remember a while ago a rumour circulating about an iMac where it basically pivots flat and can be used as a touchscreen. Was a while ago and...
  7. DigestiveBag


    Oh fishing.... Forgot that one! Guess that just went down in my priorities, but then I guess that's the sad thing and why I started this thread!
  8. DigestiveBag


    Missed one major thing..... Spending time with the wife-to-be,though I'm not sure she'd appreciate being called a hobby :D But seriously, it's a shame she doesn't share my interests really as it'd be a nice way to spend time together,
  9. DigestiveBag


    Funny thing is that I actually quite enjoy the studying,but it's very time consuming. They're not compulsory exams, they're just things I'm doing to improve my career and back up the skills used in my job. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy my job (sad as it seems), but I think on balance a lottery...
  10. DigestiveBag

    Talk me into or out of an ipad

    Don't want to be the bearer of bad news, and I may well be wrong, but I'm not sure you can get them any cheaper. My dreams of cheap Apple products were shattered by our Apple supplier at work, who basically said that vendors make very very little profit on reselling Apple products :( Apple offer...
  11. DigestiveBag

    OSX Lion For Macs.

    It seems so natural on a touchscreen devive, yiu don't even think about it, but as soon as its a mouse/trackpad it seems wrong. I guess that'syears of conditioning for you!
  12. DigestiveBag


    Random post really, and I'm hoping this is in the right place (not an experienced forumer.... Yet :D) but does anyone else find they have far too many hobbies than there is time in the day? How do you prioritise, it's impossible. I wanna spend time learning photography techniques...
  13. DigestiveBag

    OSX Lion For Macs.

    I have a virtual machine running the beta version of Lion, and although a lot of new features are advertised, they aren't all immediately obvious. One major thing which will take some getting used to is the scrolling. I thought my copy had gone wrong, but the scrolling is upside down! Apparently...
  14. DigestiveBag

    Lightroom or Aperture

    I know Lightroom is cross platform, but I didn't realise the licence couljd be used on both. I know when we volume licence it at work they have differnet keys. However, it is the multplatform nature of it that wins the deal with me. Im so indecisive when it comes to my favourite OS that I swap...
  15. DigestiveBag

    In praise of Apple...

    It' funny because I've found their store near me to be a real mixed bag. After sales and just general advice was good, but I found the sales staff very pushy! I support Apple clients/services in my job, so knew exactly what I wanted when purchasing my MB Pro, yet it took an hour to purchase it...