Recent content by DigitalDepot

  1. DigitalDepot

    Digital Depot Online

    Hi Everyone, Just wanted to make you all aware of another scam site using our name :( We are not related to this company at all. Its in dollars this time but all the alarm bells are there to say its dodgy. I know you are all very clued up on this...
  2. DigitalDepot


    The City of London Police have got involved and closed the sites down. Good news at last Stuart
  3. DigitalDepot


    I think they were up as yorkshirecameras recently so must be the same people. we are already getting people emailing us asking if its us so I need to get it shut down as quickly as possible.
  4. DigitalDepot


    Hi Everyone I know most of you are aware of scam sites and know what to spot but I wanted to bring you to the attention of someone that has launched a scam site but we are the victims this time as they are pretending to be us and using our old Swindon shop address and phone number...
  5. DigitalDepot

    Bargain 60D

    Profit?? I didnt think that existed :)
  6. DigitalDepot

    Bargain 60D

    They would definitely be losing money at that price. Ive just checked our June price list from Canon and even if Tesco bought a truck load of these kits they would still be losing a lot of money! I even tried to buy some myself to sell in the shop! Stuart
  7. DigitalDepot

    Just bought a sony a500 for £295 brand new!

    I have some A500 Twin Kits in stock that I can offer at a good price or can split them and sell them as normal kits, so if anyone was interested in getting an a500 then let me know. Stuart
  8. DigitalDepot

    Hong Kong Lenses

    If you buy Sigma UK you now get a 3 year warranty on all lenses so that adds some value. If you are definitely looking to buy I could have a word with our rep and see if I could get you a deal on both. Let me know as Sigma are 10 minutes from our shop and we have a very good relationship. Stuart
  9. DigitalDepot

    Surprisingly Digital Depot :(

    I've updated the site so it now shows out of stock for both now to stop any further confusion. Regards Stuart
  10. DigitalDepot

    Surprisingly Digital Depot :(

    The site is still showing as in stock because as I said the stock is shipped direct from our supplier if we dont have stock in-store and they have it in stock. It is not showing as in stock in-store which is correct. I understand what you are saying in response to timescales and will look into...
  11. DigitalDepot

    Surprisingly Digital Depot :(

    We dont like splitting kits but to get the lowest price for you we have to do this. You would not have got as good as a price if we hadnt of split the kit. Regards Stuart
  12. DigitalDepot

    Surprisingly Digital Depot :(

    Hi, Its a shame to see this on the forum as we dealt with this via telephone today. A lot of our Canon stock is shipped direct from a distributor and there was a delay in getting the item in. The lens should be here tomorrow and should be with you on Thursday/Friday Regards Stuart
  13. DigitalDepot

    Where has Digital Depot gone to

    Still here ;) Just gone down to a premium listing instead. you can always email direct Stuart
  14. DigitalDepot

    Warehouseexpress - are they guilty of sharp practise?

    Hi There was some special pricing in October from Canon allowing retailers to buy most L series lenses at better prices. It ended at the end of October so Warehouse must have just sold out of all the stock they had at the October price and are now buying at the December price. Canon change...
  15. DigitalDepot

    Cambridge meet - 21.11.10 (yeah ok i have the month correct now!)

    Great stuff guys! Ryan you'll have to teach me some Photoshop/Lightoom skill as really like your images. When the baby is a bit older I might be able to bring her along to the next meet so I can take some shots myself ;)