Recent content by dkspook

  1. dkspook

    Finally buying an L Series lens

    Talk her into getting a used 16-35L mk I - I absolutely LOVED mine on the 40D. Got a set from it here: Like a 17-40L - but F/2.8 ;)
  2. dkspook

    Swapping from canon to nikon!

    I've been eyeing the D700 for it's AF - but I'll never be able to give up my 50L and 24L lenses. When they make an EF mount D700 or a 5D mk III with usable AF, I'll be all over it. Until then, it's 5D mk I for me.
  3. dkspook

    Balancing the room

    No need to apologize, no offense taken :)
  4. dkspook

    Balancing the room

    Thanks for the feedback guys! I love sharing the "boring" stuff like this - Helps me remember my own setups as well :lol: ...and the boring shots are way more likely to pay the bills ;)
  5. dkspook

    First band promo shoot - advice welcome

    Get some gels for that flash! Add another flash if you can (you're gonna want more flashes down the road anyways). Pick one from the old EZ series of speedlites, much more affordable than the EX series but great for manual flashwork. I went gel crazy on this shoot...
  6. dkspook

    Canon 430EZ - Strobist???

    Do it. I have 3 540EZs and I'd love to get some more. Great units with a lot of punch at a VERY favorable price. 60-70£ on :)
  7. dkspook

    Balancing the room

    I got a challenge at work: Shoot one of our conference rooms showing the projector at work while bringing attention to the room control system. (click for bigger) I did this using 3 speedlights: From left to right: (All are Canon Speedlite 540EZ) 1/32 power, super clamped to the...
  8. dkspook

    Hovers and Bees

    Congratulations on your new lens! If you have a flash, THIS should help you tremendously :)
  9. dkspook

    Shooting a fellow 'tog

    Thanks! You have a good point... Less clutter! I'll remember that for my next shoot :)
  10. dkspook

    Shooting a fellow 'tog

    Thanks man :)
  11. dkspook

    Shooting a fellow 'tog

    Fun indeed - 4 speedlites and a ton of gels :) Thank you!
  12. dkspook

    Shooting a fellow 'tog

    Then we hit another dark and sinister alley, and just went nuts with the gels: Comments, critisism, questions and outright bashings most welcome.
  13. dkspook

    Shooting a fellow 'tog

    Some time ago I promised my fellow photographer Adam that I would shoot some pictures of him for his blog. Last night we finally had the time and spent 3 hours in dark alleys - Comments and critisism most welcome! This setup: Lead to this shot: and this one: Shut off the...
  14. dkspook

    A slight addiction

    That's it, I'm going. Thats all there is to it, I'm *****ing going!
  15. dkspook

    A slight addiction

    For those of you who haven't tried MD: Get a sprite Add 12 tablespoons of sugar Drink it, and imagine if it had caffeine. Tadaa: Mountain Dew :D