Recent content by dux_2002

  1. D

    Drag Race firsts

    number 3 for me, seems like a really moody sky. love it :thumbs:
  2. D

    Hangover cures

    Apparently pure extra virgin olive oil is good for you - it replaces the oils and fats burnt off by the booze the night before :) (hence the craving for fatty foods the next morning) dont know if i would be able to stomach it mind you :puke: p.s. i also reccomend any pain killer with...
  3. D

    Strange light through clouds

    This was taken in Vobster in Somerset a few weeks ago. i think it has a "lord of the rings" vibe to it, what do you lot think? C+C Welcome :)
  4. D

    Barn Owl in nice light.

    I really like this shot, very sharp and such a nice subject :notworthy:
  5. D

    A New members bird pics

    very nice shots, what lens were these taken with? oh, and number 1 for me :thumbs:
  6. D

    First pet portraits...

    really like the 1st shot :thumbs:
  7. D

    My 1st post, with Pics comments/advice welcome.

    Cheers for your comments, and numbers added :thumbs: And incase anyone was wondering they are all handheld and with the 18-55 non IS. Marc
  8. D

    My 1st post, with Pics comments/advice welcome.

    Hi All, Ive recently got my 400d, and have been experimenting with it over the last couple of weeks :) (Is it just me or can you loose hours and hours to this hobby? :D) Anyway here are some of my best pics so far (well in my opinion :)) I welcome all advice and comments :) Marc...
  9. D

    Signets head

    nice photo mate, really sharp :):thumbs: what kit was that taken with?