Recent content by fidofoto

  1. fidofoto

    Snowy Churchy Nighty Shots

    These are all nice, but No.1 for me, superb light.
  2. fidofoto

    Macro Oil (My first real efforts)

    I'd love to try this. Don't hold your breath waiting for the results though . . . . I have lots of other things I need to work on before I try this. Nice to see that it seems to be so "simple". It looks fascinating, thanks for sharing & keep posting your experiments.
  3. fidofoto

    Macro Oil (My first real efforts)

    2 & 5 are quite amazing. Go on then: how's it done?
  4. fidofoto

    ID please

    dunnock, or hedge sparrow as it's sometimes known. (I think)
  5. fidofoto

    Stick Men

    what an absolutely fantastic idea. haven't laughed so much in in ages. don't get me wrong, they are really good. impossible to pick a fave -keep 'em coming . . . .
  6. fidofoto

    snowy south wales

    very atmospheric set. well done.
  7. fidofoto

    Does anyone use a daylight bulb?

    assume you are talking continuous lighting here. The ideal seems suggest a high CRI rating. I have been using cheap 4000k cfls for a while, not up to much really. Have pondered "daylights", but for cheap high CRI, it's still tungsten bulbs for me, so far. I'll have to settle for what...
  8. fidofoto

    First flower macro attempts

    the last one for me (0075), just great!
  9. fidofoto

    First attempts at macro waterdrops

    you may just be learning, but I think these are great.
  10. fidofoto

    Goldcrest in Feeder.

    As Britain's smallest resident bird, you just have to marvel at how they survive this cold. Nice to see, Nice photo!
  11. fidofoto

    Water Drops..

    what a fantastic variety of colours and shapes. I'd better not get into this, I'd never leave the house! superb, keep on posting more gems like this. :clap:
  12. fidofoto

    Canal Lock Vertorama

    something is wonky for sure, go back & try a few alternate views perhaps? image has a vaguely dizzying effect . . . . :thinking: nice idea though.
  13. fidofoto

    Warbirds of World War Two

    love No.6, they are about to take to the skies again by the look of it.:clap:
  14. fidofoto

    Camera Rucksack - slightly different from normal

    -Lowepro Flipside 400 AW -does the job, good waist strap, cross strap. -carries anything. -pad out any space with bubble roll or similar. -winter or summer, there is always something to hand to pad out my bag. -any bag is too heavy if full of camera kit
  15. fidofoto

    D200, D70s or D80

    I used to have a D200, ace camera. The grip was useless, however. The little white plastic retaining clips break off real easy. Mine did, inside the closed battery compartment! That said, the batteries still worked. D200 was also quite short on battery life. So, keep a spare in yer...