Recent content by FlyerFoto

  1. FlyerFoto

    300 frames per second..!!

    Hell!! Is it the day after 31st March already? What sort of memory card do they use? If every frame is going to need to be taken at a minimum of 1/300 sec presumably it wouldn't work in anything like less than perfect conditions? One thing though - the sound that the shutter makes will be...
  2. FlyerFoto

    New lens 101

    If you put the lens on a tripod at all, make sure the IS is turned off!!
  3. FlyerFoto

    Newbie looking for camera.

    Just don't get carried away with the bidding - a few weeks ago there was a 400D that went for £750 - for a camera with a shop price of £480!!!
  4. FlyerFoto

    Who's waiting for...

    Might be a long wait with Sony's financial problems - these two cameras have been 'on the way' for a while now, along with the Zeiss lenses for the full frame sensor - from what I understand, they just can't afford to produce them!
  5. FlyerFoto

    Camera shop of horrors

    Got to be pretty frustrating for the staff - being expected to have technical knowledge and getting paid the same as some slapper on the till at Superdrug, who just throws your purchases in a bag and probably doesn't even know what DAY it is!