Recent content by frenchman

  1. F

    Studio Build Thread

    Just spent ages reading through your build thread. Love it! Very inspiring and you guys have a beautiful space. Keep up the good work.
  2. F

    Mac users, what software are you using?

    I use CS5 and Lightroom 3 on my MacBook pro. I have always used these and simply upgraded to the newer versions when they come out. I don't think I would change now as everything has become second nature. I'll upgrade to the newer versions once I have bought a new computer.
  3. F

    Western Digital HD/2T Failure !!

    I personally have never had a problem wit WD hard drives. I never trust them though, always have as many backups as possible. All the really important stuff I am in the process of burning to DVD's.
  4. F

    BTCC Oulton, using a new braking system....

    I also really like the last porsche shot you have posted, a good example of simple panning really making the shot.
  5. F

    BTCC Oulton, using a new braking system....

    Porsches are notorious for dumping their fluids. Happens all of the time at the Nurburgring :(
  6. F

    How to test a lens - good article

    Thank you very much for the useful link.
  7. F

    this guy can drift :D

    The dust really makes this shot. Light poking through really makes this one stand out from the others I have seen.
  8. F

    Renault Sport Clio 172 Cup

    Clouds are great but I agree with PGD, brighten the car up a little as detail is lost in the front end and wheels. Should be grand after that.
  9. F

    Chernobyl and Pripyat (pic heavy)

    Wow, I really want to go there! Do you have any information on who to get in contact with etc?
  10. F

    Hot Rods at Billing

    The last one I really like, suppose it's more of a lifestyle shot really.
  11. F

    BTCC at Oulton Park

    I have a serious soft spot for the Audi's. Great capture on the crash aswell, looks like half of the back end of Smiths is missing!
  12. F

    TT 2011 - A selection so far

    Really like number 5 and 6. Number 6 would have been amazing if you could have captured the rider a little better. I'm guessing you used the zoom on this one?
  13. F

    Downhill Biking at Triscombe

    Number 4 is my favourite also. Some fill flash would really make this one pop! Great work.
  14. F

    which high end compact??

    I have also been thinking about the Canon G11. From what I understand it's the one to go for and available at a pretty good price second hand. I am a Nikon user and love there SLR kit but I don't seem to get along with their compacts. Canon have that side of the market sewn up for me.
  15. F

    Nikon primes or 70-200

    Another shout out for the 70-200. I'm currently saving to buy mine. Its a brilliantly made lens and I feel that it would be more bang for my buck than say the 85mm f1.4 (that ones next ;) Your getting a lot for the money with brilliant optics.