Recent content by Gandalf_22h

  1. Gandalf_22h

    kestrel in flight ,(more room due to requests)

    Excellent image. Well done.
  2. Gandalf_22h

    Bohemians tour Cardiff

    Very nice set of images here. Excellent. :thumbs::thumbs:
  3. Gandalf_22h

    A couple of blue one's

    Two beauties there Neil. Excellent man.
  4. Gandalf_22h

    Tit On A Stick

    Excellent. Showing nice feather detail here.
  5. Gandalf_22h

    Coal tits.

    Nicely caught. They don't stay still for long.
  6. Gandalf_22h

    Damn twigs

    Nice eyes - excellent capture.
  7. Gandalf_22h

    Mull Otters

    Impressive set of images. Well caught.
  8. Gandalf_22h

    New member

    Just saying hello. Have just joined and getting to know the layout. Longtime Nikon user both film and digital. Main interest is Birds and Wildlife. Critique welcome - at my age I do not get offended easily! :cool: Looks like a good site.