Recent content by Gibbfish

  1. G

    Does this do anything for anyone?

    really like it! nice composition, and colours are very good. Sometimes simplicity is the best ;)
  2. G

    An Evening At Upnor

    thanks for the comment, no i havent just some small tinkering with contrast levels, etc
  3. G

    Mixed Macro Bag

    loving number 2, only thing would be the out of focus leaf in the background, other than that awesome shot, good detail :D
  4. G

    Rudeness of Dragonflies! * Edited pic added *

    how the hell did you get that!? lol awesome
  5. G

    Property Boom

    good idea, and works damn well!
  6. G

    Bearded Iris

    awesome shot, amazing colours and detail. Composure is nice too
  7. G

    Drop . .

    fantastic detail, very impressive, love it!
  8. G

    Green Longwing / Scarce Bamboo Page

    very nice! awesome colours and detail is amazing
  9. G

    All hail......

    very nice, liking the absract
  10. G

    Hey Hey!

    sorry kingsizeriz? dont follow :S
  11. G

    A Helicopter

    amazing shot! love it!
  12. G

    Some Classics

    ah awesome, ye ive got tons of memrobilia lol, and thanks for the comments, i try to attend as many shows as i can, but work gets in the way so not always poss, but its always fun to photograph them lol
  13. G

    The Cliffe At Night

    ye might have to lol
  14. G

    A Bulgarian Sunset

    thanks, ill have a play around, althou i quite like the low level light and dark areas, i feel it adds to the effect, but appreciate the comment :D
  15. G

    The Cliffe At Night

    ye fair comment, i can see where your coming from, like you said i love the atmosphere, but looking at what you said, i can see exactly what you mean.