Recent content by GTI

  1. G

    First Wedding shoot

    Hi Aiden, Well, at least you have a back up plan - not bad at all for your first crack at it! It is very difficult at a real life wedding to get the types of shots you see in magazines and on promotional material and many wedding togs produce a lot of stuff that is worse than this... I think...
  2. G

    Seaham Rocks

    Hi, This is quite nice... the rocks provide a lovely winding path in to the image and the sky is lovely. Perhaps the shutter speed should have been a bit slower for more of a mystical (for want of a better word) look, or a bit faster to to show some shape and definition in the waves...?
  3. G

    Once loved.....(Mono Added)

    Lovely work... maybe a little bit lighter vignetting would create a nice version??
  4. G

    men of war & sandsfoot castle

    Hi, On the first one the red thing really draws my attention and I can't see what it is - it seems out of place, I'd get the clone stamp on it! I know you are trying to be more subtle in your pp, but I think this one needs more contrast and that sky is begging to be a deeper blue! The...
  5. G

    Roseberry re-visited

    Hi, I like this...the clouds lead my eye nicely to the hill in the background. I think it's crying out for a bit more saturation - especially for the blue in the sky and the purples in the foreground. There's a little bit of lens flare in the clouds that I'd clone out if I were you.... I...
  6. G

    My Strongest Image?

    I voted for No. 2 but it would depend on the room - no. 1 might work well too... And if you were willing to move the sun and reflection to the left a bit on no. 3 then that's a possible one as well...!
  7. G

    Critique: Angel of the North & High Force

    Love the Angel of the North one... I think if the whole of the sky was a bit bluer and there was a bit more of the green grass along the bottom it would be perfect...
  8. G

    River Ythan and Collieston at Twilight

    Great work. I like 3 and 4 best. I'd agree with the previous poster that #4 might be improved with getting the edge of the wall in on the right hand side - your eye kind of falls off the edge on its way to the moon.
  9. G

    Over processed?

    It works for me. I think that it looks like a surreal, artistic interpretation of the scene rather than an attempt to record how it looked in reality...
  10. G

    The Property Photography thread

    Hi Seba, 2 improvers for you: Make sure your verticals are perfectly horizontal (if you can't get them perfect in camera and don't have a tilt-shift lens then you may have to resort to 'skew' in PS) Try not to get any overexposed sky - a nice blue beats a white glare any day!!
  11. G

    A bitter Easter weekend

    I like the second one best. For me the first one looks like it might have had a bit too much selective dodging and burning - the light coming form the sun doesn't quite look natural... (although it may well just be very strange light of course) Second one is very simple but really gives a...
  12. G

    going down

    I like it - for me the most important thing is that you have got the horizontal and vertical just about straight which really makes your diagonals stand out. Glad you waited for a person, even if it's all about the lines you need that focal point - somewhere for them to lead. I also really...
  13. G

    The day after the storm

    Well I thought that was going to be a lovely shot while it was gradually appearing on my screen from top to bottom, until I got to the porpoise... very sad! It is well composed and works very well as a nature / news shot. Maybe needs a bit more detail in the shadows under the porpoise...
  14. G

    Sunset over the Eastern Lakes

    Great shot! think I'd try to recover the highlights a touch and then maybe lighten the area around the tree to make it stand out a bit more...? But it is very nice, well done!!
  15. G

    Accordian player

    Nice shot - really shows some character - she looks like she's hard a tough life!! I think I'd be tempted to boost the contrast or clarity to see if I couldn't bring out those wrinkles a bit more... I'd also correct the vertical on the right - assuming in reality it was straight and not slanted...