Recent content by h4rsx

  1. H

    suspicious email

    Yep, but then i might miss that big pay day when someone tells me i've inherited millions!! :banana:
  2. H

    Tip Top Electronics

    I disagree. It's not just the VAT element, they are well over 20% cheaper than the retail price of some proper uk distributors. The bigger stores have larger overheads, more staff and certainly have to make larger margins. The grey import market guys are normally smaller outfits, smaller...
  3. H

    Langdale Pikes, and a house.

    Love that, looks idyllic.
  4. H

    A few pictures from porthcawl today

    Awesome shots. So long as you wasn't in harms way. Would not have wanted to be near that lighthouse.
  5. H

    Sunday sunrise

    I think given the phenomenal sky, I would have been tempted to capitalize on it a bit more, giving preference to that than the FG as it has no real light on it, other than the reflections in the puddles.
  6. H

    Great Sunrise this morning New Photo added

    Oh my, those are lovely shots. Wish i'd been out last Sunday morning, a few friends got a similarly great sky.
  7. H

    Another beach shot

    Nice, very moody, but I like the feel to it.
  8. H

    My favourite images of 2013

    Some great shots there.
  9. H

    Not to my taste...

    What is that all about?!! Sorry just doesn't do it for me!
  10. H

    backpack travel photography, take laptop?

    I wouldn't. Leave it at home and enjoy the holiday for what it is. One of the nice things about being away is that you leave all your technology stuff behind, with the exception of a camera and ipod maybe. It's refreshing. Also gives you something to work on when you get back and to lookforward to.
  11. H

    Lets all be careful out there

    That's awful.
  12. H

    Flickr stats gone mad?

    Yeh, probably due to explore, it's happened to me a couple of times.
  13. H

    What is your best photo you have taken in 2013 and why?

    I quite liked this one taken back a few weeks ago when we had a dusting of snow in the Peak District. Probably the simplicity that does it for me.
  14. H

    What's the longest you've spent editing one photo

    When I start editing photos, I literally feel like i'm entering a timewarp. It just disappears!! Longest would certainly be around 4hrs.
  15. H

    suspicious email

    Luckily I have a mac, so sometimes open zip files and normally find they are .exe files for windows as you hardly get viruses for macs, in my experience anyway. Wouldn't dare risk doing that on a windows based computer.