Recent content by hcanning

  1. H

    What car?

    Done. Toward the beginning of the thread. The OP also asked for "any thoughts". But the OP decided not to listen to any of the sensible advice and decided to get het up over the perfectly acceptable debate (until people started with childish insults and the spouting of absolute nonsense) that...
  2. H

    What car?

    Perhaps if both cars had their gearboxes cemented into 6th. In the real world, I'd be changing down in the M3 into 2nd gear and waving bye-bye to the 330D. The 330D won't be eating anything like an M3 or Impreza/Evo alive. Sorry.
  3. H

    What car?

    Trolling? What? Because I've offered my opinion, which happens to not be unique? We're not in the same location, either. Feel free to look up the geolocation of both IP addresses I've logged in to this site with, one being my work (84.19.x.x) and the other being my home (86.31.x.x) and you'll...
  4. H

    What car?

    Yeah we're secretly lovers. Problem?
  5. H

    What car?

    Which can easily be achieved by resetting the counter and driving at 40mph in 5th for a couple of miles. I'm not saying that's what he's done. Posting a picture like that on the internet is just no way of proving it really. If a car is able to consistently achieve 20MPG more than published...
  6. H

    What car?

    Nissan's combined figure for that car is 62MPG. If it did 80-100MPG combined, I think they'd want us to know about it :p
  7. H

    What car?

    I'm not sure what part of his posts are uncivilised? It's people like whiteflyer who are throwing their toys out of the pram and swearing every other word. It's a perfectly sensible debate, and may I add that I have posted more than once in this thread attempting to answer the OPs questions...
  8. H

    What car?

    What car do you drive?
  9. H

    What car?

    I'm perfectly chilled as I sit here at my desk sipping a delicious cup of Barry's Tea while typing this :) Does no one want to read my posts where I'm actually trying to help the OP? :(
  10. H

    What car?

    You seemed like a rational kind of person in your previous post, but now that you've posted this, I can see you're just another typical deluded diesel owner who thinks his car is a rocketship, trying to convince himself he didn't just buy it because he can't afford something better. I suppose...
  11. H

    What car?

    Get out of here with your common sense and reasoning :eek: ;) I think we need some perspective in this thread. Let me sum things up in 11 easy-to-understand points: 1) From your list, the Superb is the best car. Fact. 2) Diesels were designed as economical engines, nothing more. The OP...
  12. H

    What car?

    105mpg. Now I've heard it all. Oh and the OP's question has been answered numerous times.
  13. H

    What car?

    The Honda 2.2 diesel is quiet and refined, but then its characteristics (and subsequently fuel economy..!) are more petrol-like than your average diesel.
  14. H

    What car?

    Killing the engine and gearbox? Don't be silly. You'll be using more fuel, that's it. You're not going to average 60mpg in any car going uphill. Put your A-Class in 5th gear at 40mph, put your foot down and watch the MPG gauge. If it's labouring the engine, just change down. This isn't the...
  15. H

    What car?

    The Superb is bigger, more refined and more spacious. The Octavia is built on the Golf platform, which is more of a small/mid-sized hatch than a full-size executive/family car. You simply get more for your money. The Volvo S40 - same story. It's based on a Focus. No bad thing of course, but...