Recent content by Hoogle

  1. Hoogle

    Topaz Remask 3.2 versus OnOne Perfect Mask 5.2

    I have tried both I use remask out if the 2 because I tried that first and got the hang of it quite quickly and couldnt get the fluid work flow with onone. SO that is not me saying topaz is better I just learnt it first and didnt adjust as easily to onone. But now to be honest I only use it for...
  2. Hoogle

    Which? Lightroom or CS6

    If budget is an issue I say go to adobe labs download lightroom 5 beta preview its free and maybe get photoshop elements. If it is mainly photography your using it for lightroom probably is a better option especially now as there are many plugins photographers use in photoshop that will work...
  3. Hoogle

    A portrait that I am not sure about.

    I hate seeing threads turn into wars but I am going to give my take on it as balanced as I can. If it is a case of getting the shot or not getting it due to having to set up reflectors\ fill lights or diffusers etc Then get the shot if you shoot in raw they are easily corrected to a certain...
  4. Hoogle

    My Boys

    I try to stay away from negative feedback as photography is very personal however I have to say these images look like the type you would get on the cover of book where the author was abused as a child etc. I think the crops may work if the images were not so grungy. I hope I dont offend you...
  5. Hoogle

    Very First Wedding South Africa too!

    Nice pics my only critique would be to add a tiny amount of skin smoothing on her arms to smooth out the patchiness as she looks a bit cold but only a tiny amount needed. And also need some kind of light modifier most of the shots the eyes lack light and seem to be in shadows easily rectified...
  6. Hoogle

    Anyone on here done a cage fighting event?

    Are you actually shooting fights , sparring etc or Just looking at shooting some promo pictures of the fighter. If So I would reccomend fast lenses etc but also some harsh contrast lighting to help maybe with pp if you want the gritty 300 look, ultimate fighter presets even dragon effects they...
  7. Hoogle

    Second go using the "studio"

    much better lighting I like the last image best she looked like she was having fun
  8. Hoogle

    Help me Edit These Photos Please

    Just open it up in photoshop duplicate image and change the blending mode to screen and then duplicate it until it stands out enough for your liking
  9. Hoogle

    Tyre shine

    without seeing the image I would say yes you can do it import your image create a new layer go to edit > fill and choose 50% grey in the layer panel switch the blending mode of the grey layer to either overlay or soft light Paint using white at various opacities to add highlights and paint...
  10. Hoogle


    Photoshop Cs6 currently has a beta going you can download for free Also there is a beta of lightroom 4 still active. I think good photos can be made great with editing etc I also go out knowing that the picture I am taking would normally be...
  11. Hoogle

    Second go using the "studio"

    I would reccomend getting a reflector of some sort even if it is just a large piece of white paper or card etc just to bounce some light back up to eliminate the shadows and give some more fill light where the lights have fallen off.
  12. Hoogle

    T4 cameras **** up rant!

    In my opinion if they had agrred on you collecting it and purchasing it or either said they will put it aside for you then they are entering a verbal contract and should order 1 in for you at that price, However the reality is You can not prove any agreement made so yeah life sucks when stuff...
  13. Hoogle

    first couple of attempts with my new D3100

    I hope you dont mind just had a quick 30 second play with this in PP Just to see where you could take this image if you wanted to. Obviously you would have to fine tune it firstoceanpic by Hoogle/PSG, on Flickr
  14. Hoogle

    couple shoot

    agree with the above post appear to be slightly soft maybe sharpen up eyes and features in PP would really bring them out more.
  15. Hoogle


    I like them all though I would only add I love the soft look but would bring back the blacks a bit or add a hint more contrast but love the effect. Did you make your own lightroom preset for it as they all seem to match perfectly and I can never get that unless I create a preset. I have been...