Recent content by icklebro

  1. I

    MotoGP Crash at Valencia - Rossi, Hayden, Depuniet, Bautista

    Have to agree, a cracking race despite the missing personnel. Great shots by the way.
  2. I

    Caldonian Tornado. My pics are to be published!!!

    It's a killer shot Frank, well done.
  3. I

    meet my wife...

    I love it. A very striking portrait of a beautiful woman. The crop and bokeh work for me. Only slight criticism I could make would be the double catchlights in her eyes. I did a quick edit just leaving the main square catchlight and I think it makes a definite improvement. I'll post the edit if...
  4. I

    Preston meet of 12th June

    No Rob, I don't use facebook. I get enough grief about the time I spend on the computer as it is. :shake:
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    Suzi Studio Shoot Preston

    Hi Dave, I like #2 best of the set. The pose is very natural and the lighting very even, only downer is that the shadows are very harsh, I'm assuming you weren't using a diffuser. #1 the hair and top of the face look a bit over exposed on my screen due to the leaned forward pose bringing...
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    Preston meet of 12th June

    Erm........what's happening in September?
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    Preston meet of 12th June

    It might not be quite as bad as it seems Stoo, I recall Rob telling me on the day that not all the togs were TP members so maybe 10 is a good percentage of the TPers and maybe the ones who haven't sent pics to the models aren't members!
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    Preston meet of 12th June

    Hi Tracey, I don't want to get in the way of you and Rob flashing each other but if your speedlight has High Speed flash facility your job will be simplified. You just set it to ETTL and press the little button with the lightning thingy and a letter H at the side of it. You can then use the...
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    Preston meet of 12th June

    Here's a few of mine.
  10. I

    First attempt at portraiture...sort of

    Nobody has mentioned the fact that the sun is shining on your mum's back Luke therefore her face and the front of her body are in shadow. I think a reflector or a bit of fill flash would have made all the difference to the pic but even then it isn't ideal for B/W conversion as it consists of...
  11. I

    Brothers Wedding

    Only #8 is anywhere near correct exposure. Are you sure your speedlight was working mate? I just lifted the levels in this one by about four stops and there's no catchlight in the eyes at all.
  12. I

    Practicing Bounce Flash

    There's lots of short videos on utube relating to the Fong diffusers. I use the cloudy one myself for portraits when I don't have the time or space to set up studio lights. This video is a basic introduction and you can then link to the others. One of the linked videos demonstrates the...
  13. I

    Practicing Bounce Flash

    It's meant to be bounced off the ceiling according to Mr Fong's videos and it does produce good results used in this way as the main body of the diffuser then acts like a fill light thereby softening shadows and making for more flattering portraits. I have used mine pointing directly at the...
  14. I

    Practicing Bounce Flash

    I have to agree with the comments regarding your wife's beauty Chris. She is gorgeous and the edited shot is much better. The only problem I have with bouncing flash off the ceiling is that you almost invariably get shadows under the eyes which are not very flattering. I've found that using...