Recent content by James-H

  1. J

    LMS Silverstone

    #6 was with a 70-300, agreed it would have worked better with a full grandstand behind it.
  2. J

    LMS Silverstone

    Managed to choose the 'favourites' 1. First corner start 2. Aston LMP1 3. Lola 4. Porsche v Ferrari 5. Strakka LMP2 (Definite fave pic of the day!) 6. Peugeot 908
  3. J

    Oulton Park Monday F3/GT

    Spotted myself in the Aston crash pic! I'm third along from the right, taking a pic of it too. At least I think it's me anyway!
  4. J

    Mercedes Benz World Live '09

    They're blaking plates that stay stationery as the wheel rotates. Part of the aerodynamics, helps draw air to the brakes.
  5. J

    september theme - wheel!

    A wet one
  6. J


    Currently this from the Gold Cup:
  7. J

    Oulton Gold Cup

    Thanks. I do tend to go a bit nuts with the processing, have to back off it a bit. 9 and 10 were trying for something different. I find the endless pics on here of cars perfectly in sharp focus with wheels just nicely blurred a little bit boring. Don't get me wrong they're very impressive...
  8. J

    Oulton Gold Cup

    7. 8. 9. 10.
  9. J

    Oulton Gold Cup

    My favourites from today. I even stood next to the Oulton legend Matt this morning, felt very privileged! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
  10. J

    Formula Student

    These are all pics of the car that a group of students, including myself, designed and built in a year. We built it to compete in the Formula Student event which took place last weekend at Silverstone. The competition isn't racing per se but a test of the cars that all the universities have...
  11. J

    favourite motorpsort picture

    Got this as my desktop background
  12. J

    Shelsley, 31/5/09

    I like number 2. I know we're supposed to keep talk about the pics but it looks like a DJ Firehawk to me-awesome cars. I worked for DJ Racecars over the summer last year.
  13. J

    Oulton Park 25th May 09 - a proud as punch dad

    I've never been on the outside of the track at cascades before. Think I'll give it a go now-inspiration photos!
  14. J

    james-h oulton

    Thanks. I think I'll be spending some time processing my images from now on!
  15. J

    james-h oulton

    I've had a play about with one of them in Photoshop. Changed the contrast and applied a sharpening mask. What do you think?