Recent content by JenniferK

  1. JenniferK

    Printing A3 photos... The ideal camera?

    Thank you for your help, everyone. I haven't tried to print out an A3, so I'll have to see how one comes out. Thank you again! :)
  2. JenniferK

    Printing A3 photos... The ideal camera?

    Hi all. :) I currently own a Nikon D40 that has served me well over the past couple of years but I don't think it will produce the quality of pictures I will need for future endeavours. I am looking to get a new camera with a good number of megapixels (D40 has 6.1) so I could print high...
  3. JenniferK

    360 degree photography

    If you want to stitch your shots together, Hugin is a great program for creating panoramas.
  4. JenniferK

    How has Photography changed you?

    I appreciate the 'little things' in life that I wouldn't have really noticed before. Photography makes me see the world differently. This may sound cheesy, but I think you can find something beautiful in everything.
  5. JenniferK

    Couple of hours in London - what to do?

    I like Canary Wharf.
  6. JenniferK

    Broken film winder on old SLR

    Hi all, I hope you can help me. A good friend of mine owns an old camera, a Chinon CE-5, and the film winder has broken. We don't really know how it happened, the thing just won't go back on... I think a piece could be missing, I'm not sure. I've phoned some camera repair shops and a lot...
  7. JenniferK

    Help please: photos (from negatives) to CD

    Cool, thanks guys, I'll check those sites out. And knocker, thanks for the offer! :) But I'm too far away (I've put my location now). ;) Thank you!
  8. JenniferK

    Help please: photos (from negatives) to CD

    Hi all. :) (Sorry if this is in the wrong section!) I was hoping to get some advice on where I should get my photos (from negatives) put on CD or... just receive them through email or something. This morning I went to Snappy Snaps with negatives from 6 rolls of 35mm film. They told me it...
  9. JenniferK

    Advice on shooting in snowfall

    Thanks, guys. That was very helpful. :)
  10. JenniferK

    Advice on shooting in snowfall

    Hi all, Enjoying the snow? :D I was just wondering how the rest of you manage to come out with an decent photo whilst the snow is falling. Is there a way that I can avoid having big blurry white blobs coming up on my pictures? I've tried facing away from the direction in which the snow is...