Recent content by johnnyflash

  1. J

    Advice on photography in NYC pls!

    SuperCNJ Go to Brooklyn over the Brooklyn bridge, some beautiful night shots of Manhatten from the other side of the river. Time square at dusk is a lovely oppertunity shots. Here's some i took without a tripod (and i' only a beginner) and i was very happy with them. Hope this helps J.
  2. J

    Drift Practice Day

    Some shots of a drift practice day in Mondello. C&C welcome Cheers J. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
  3. J

    1st Rally Shots....WRC Ireland

    Well thanks all for the input. I wasn't 100% satisfied with the exposure of some of the shots myself. I dont have or know how to use photoshop, but its something i will need to learn.... Heading for the local track (mondello) this weekend to practice some rallycross so I'll see how that works...
  4. J

    1st Rally Shots....WRC Ireland

    Took the camera despite the torrential rain. Some awesome speed even with the horrid conditions. C&C welcome on my first rally shots. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
  5. J

    FX -vs- DX lens Question.

    Hi all, I'm currently the owner of a 18-200mm VR DX and Nikon D80. I know that the sensor crop on the D80 is around 1.5x but my question is this..... I'm looking to buy a 70-200mm F2.8 Nikkor (FX) for sports photography. Will this give me an equivilant range of 105-300mm f2.8 on the DX...
  6. J

    Day trip to Dublin

    Or the giant prick that was a complete waste of money...... Great shot though, beautiful composition.
  7. J

    My first pics please be gentle!!!

    Very very possible, I'm not familiar with the a200........
  8. J

    My first pics please be gentle!!!

    Yes it will adjust the shutter speed and ISO settings automatically to achieve the correct exposure, but you will be able to select the aperature manually, to achieve a shallow or deep DOF. I'm not familiar with the Sony a200 so i'm not 100% sure what knob adjusts the aperature setting, but...
  9. J

    My first pics please be gentle!!!

    You will have controls on the top allowing you to choose auto, M,P,A,S etc etc. Have a read of the manual and find out how to set it to Aperature Priority Mode, it will be with the 'A' setting I'm sure. You will be able to adjust the aperature setting from a small 'f' nuimber through to a...
  10. J

    My first pics please be gentle!!!

    DOF is achieved by varying the aperature sizing. a large aperature (say f4.5 for example) will give a shallow DOF and a smaller aperature (say f22) will give a greater DOF. You wouldn't have to get closer, just choose aperature priority on the camera and manually set the aperature, the...
  11. J

    newbie camera advice

    Hi Dionbee93 A first time DSLR is really down to the preferance of the individual. Everone has their own taste, comfort and feel for a camera. Also, if you are buying a DSLR you also have to consider the glass you are going to need! With motorsport the lenses required are expensive,so try and...
  12. J

    Which Ferrari is this

  13. J

    Which Ferrari is this

    It is indeed an Enzo, without a doubt. Beautiful, isn't it?
  14. J

    Monte Carlo - Panorama

    No 2 is spectacular and my favourite, but both are excellent. Nice work.............
  15. J

    Irish Holiday

    hi chameleon, I would suggest a trip to the west of ireland, Galway, Mayo and Clare. Some absolutly fantastic views as well as old medieval monuments and buildings. You should also try and get up as far as the Giants Causeway up the north, its another unmissable spot. As for the east coast...