Recent content by Josh094

  1. J

    First shoot using speedlites

    Here they are using the lab method.
  2. J

    First shoot using speedlites

    What sort of black and white conversion would you suggest? Converting it back in lightroom or using the black and white adjustment in photoshop? Or are there other ways? I'm always up for trying new approaches :)
  3. J

    First shoot using speedlites

    Yeah these aren't strictly b&w conversions. They are gradient maps dialled so that the both the blacks and whites aren't perfect colours.
  4. J

    First shoot using speedlites

    If I recall correctly only shot number 2 is a bare flash, the others all used either a single shoot-through umbrella on the subject in combination with a bare flash bouncing off of a wall or two shoot-through umbrellas.
  5. J

    First shoot using speedlites

    The last shot has a shallow depth of field at about f2.8 but the others should all be fairly crisp throughout. It might be because they are pretty low-res copies uploaded via facebook. I'll see about getting higher res ones available. :)
  6. J

    First shoot using speedlites

    I was lucky enough to have a good friend of mine give up her time to model for me as I learned my way around my new speedlites and related equipment. All the shots were taken with either one or two speedlites, i was with my friend for about six hours so I honestly can't remember the exact...
  7. J

    Request - Challenges for Beginners.

    So I recently got my hands on my first pair of flash guns, umbrellas and stands and was wondering if there was anyone out there, who has experience with such equipment, who'd be willing to set me some challenges and tasks that'll help me learn how to use the equipment in a hands on way? The...
  8. J

    Testing the 99p lens!

    For 99p how can you go wrong really? Looks like you picked up a fantastic bargin. I got a similar lens off of ebay for around £70 a while ago, one of the 15-blade Pentacon 135mms. Absolutely smashing picture quality!
  9. J

    Ebay Studio Strobe Kits

    Sorry about my attitude at the start of the week. I was getting stressed about my last few A level exams and self doubting about art college etc etc. What i've done is bought a pair of YongNuo 560 IIs + transmitter/recievers + stands and shoot through umbrellas. The two speed lights set me...
  10. J

    The Chuck Away Your Camera Challenge - Picture Sharing Thread

    Wow, some of the pictures here are really impressive. I've got to give this a go. :P
  11. J

    A sample of my Steam Railway photography

    Wow, thanks a lot for all the positive feedback! It means a lot.
  12. J

    First candids

    Number 2 is doing something for me, makes me think somewhat of the more invasive street photographers like Gilden and Cohen. The others feel a bit too snapshot. The words of Capa come to mind: "If Your Pictures Aren’t Good Enough, You’re Not Close Enough". I think the problem with...
  13. J

    A Boring Day Out

    Very interesting, reminds me of the works of Corinne Vionnet. I see a lot of potential in this. Depending on the sort of shutter speeds you could achieve without over exposing drives through different environments such as the countryside etc all following the same car could produce some...
  14. J

    Levitation and Photo manipulation

    The washed out look was a separate layer that I placed over the top, in hindsight I don't like it now either :P The image was created using a camera on a tripod, a flash gun and a step ladder. Two photographs are taken, one with the subject balancing on the step ladder and the other...
  15. J

    Levitation and Photo manipulation

    Here is an image I created back at the start of the year, the main image is created from just two photographs.