Recent content by josman92

  1. J

    First video; made with GoPro hero 3.

    Great video, well done!
  2. J

    Some of my wire wool shots

    Thanks for all your comments, glad you like my work! The car is fine, just some wight dust on it! Nice idea about lighting the back ground, I will have to give that ago :)
  3. J

    Some of my wire wool shots

    Thanks for your comments! Yeah its at the cocking lime works and tunnel there. Its not my car so I dont know, but it looked fine after! haha.
  4. J

    Some of my wire wool shots

    Hi all. So im quite new here, this might be my 1st post! Anyway i'm always out taking photos so thought I might swell post some. These are my wire wool shots taken on my 40d with a 18-55 kit lens. Thanks for looking...