Recent content by JustineLouise

  1. JustineLouise

    Ecommerce Photography - shoes.

    Hello, I shoot for a clothing a company, mostly their clothes on a model, but have recently started doing their shoes. Now I've come up against something that is baffling me a bit. They want the shoes shot in pairs, fair enough. But with some shoes ie sandals it's hard to shoot in pairs...
  2. JustineLouise

    Product Photography Lighting

    Well the fashion students plan on putting the jewellery on the bread, so on french sticks etc, and then using loads hollowed out with jewellery inside etc. We are just using a plain white background, they did want marble but their tutor has said plain, and as far as equipment goes we have...
  3. JustineLouise

    Product Photography Lighting

    Hello I'm doing a shoot with some fashion students at my university tomorrow that involves bread and jewellery (don't ask) and I'm just after some advice really on a lighting set up for jewellery and how to avoid light bouncing off the jewellery etc. Any help would be appreciated :) J
  4. JustineLouise

    Advice needed for studio lighting.

    Oh great, thank you :)
  5. JustineLouise

    Jumping on the smoke bandwagon.

    Oo those are gorgeous! Did you add the colour in post processing or use gels?
  6. JustineLouise

    Advice needed for studio lighting.

    Hey, I need some advice when it comes to using studio lighting. I take a lot of self portraits with my 2 speedlites and I'm quite confident with those, but when it comes to using a studio with bowens lighting I kind of clam up and don't seem to get the results I want. I also find the light...
  7. JustineLouise

    Is this kit any good for a beginner?

    Would you say that his is a good set up kit? I currently use a couple of speedlites, 430exII and YN460II, and I also get free access to full equipped studios with Bowens, but come the...
  8. JustineLouise

    Work Experience

    Thank you for all the advice :)
  9. JustineLouise

    Work Experience

    AW thank you so much both of you :) that means a lot!
  10. JustineLouise

    Work Experience

    Hello Not sure If I've posted this in the right section of the forum, so apologies if not. I am after some advice on work experience, in my 2nd year of university, and although I am studying graphic design, I've been specialising in photography pretty much the whole course thanks to an...
  11. JustineLouise

    Speedlite Softbox

    You know on a softbox you get the internal panel, you then have the outside panel which attaches via velcro, well its the internal panel that I don't have.
  12. JustineLouise

    Speedlite Softbox

    Hey, Today I received a soft-box I ordered for my speedlite, and all is fine with it and its really nice quality, the only thing is it hasn't come with an inside diffuser part, just the outer one (when looking back on the auction it does only one, so my fault on that part) but is there...
  13. JustineLouise

    LP-E6 Batteries

    hmm, well I'm going to give the 7dayshop compatible one a go, has some good reviews. I plan to use it along side my Canon original in a battery grip, so hopefully it will perform well.
  14. JustineLouise

    LP-E6 Batteries

    Do you find that they work just as efficiently as the Canon original ones?
  15. JustineLouise

    LP-E6 Batteries

    Oh great, thanks for that :)