Recent content by jww_wong

  1. J

    Iceland trip and Northern Nights - any tips please

    The tips I'll be bearing in mind for my Iceland trip will be: Bring spare batteries and try to keep them warm as cold batteries run out faster. Use a laser torch to help focus properly.
  2. J


    Strange. Did u also have the ISO at 100? Usually i like to keep aperture between 8-16 for night shots and use selective auto focusing to get the focus right. Also manual mode is a must to get the exposure right. Best thing to do is keep experimenting with your night shots to find the optimum...
  3. J

    The Northern Lights

    Gonna start off in Reykjavik to explore for a few nights, before hiring a car to explore the sights all the way to Skaftafell without booking tours. Hopefully will get some good advice from the hotels on the best locations for seeing the lights. Easyjet are doing cheap flights to Iceland so...
  4. J

    Contemporary Dance Shoot

    i really like this set of pics. A very fun and quirky feel to them
  5. J

    Canon 55-250 II from £140ish

    Definitely worth the money. Can't go wrong for that price really!
  6. J

    london street art

    Great graffiti shots. Care to share the locations?
  7. J

    Slowly Getting There....

    the detail/clarity in the last photo is exceptional for a micro 4/3.
  8. J

    Some Random Bordeaux shoots

    I've always wondered what Bordeaux was like to visit. Doesn't look too bad from your pics!
  9. J

    San Miguel

    I like how the picture makes u needing a drink
  10. J

    A trip to Scarborough

    absolutely love the first 2 shots. The first pic especially is so interesting to look at with so much to see!
  11. J

    Norwich Cathedral

    great composition on the 2nd shot.
  12. J

    Anyone afraid of the dark?

    picture 3 is perfectly eerie
  13. J

    Conwy Castle

    Great shot. Would have loved to see the same shot with a 30sec+ exposure
  14. J

    Durham! My local haunt :)

    Wow, the colours on the 2nd pic are captivating. Great work