Recent content by JZjr

  1. J

    Night time in Norway

    I really like this image, the mist over the mountains is a great effect that I never seem to see. I am very impressed with your steady hand!
  2. J

    Advice on copying old photos - 40yrs old plus

    That very much depends on what sort of quality you would like the scanned files to be (sharpening the images can be done in the scanner or in PP), if you scan the images yourself and find that the quality is okay for your use then that's fine but if you find that the scanned images are not a...
  3. J

    High vantage points bath/bristol

    I often shoot high vantage points of Bath and Bristol from Lansdown and shots of Bristol from Odd Down, both are at opposite ends of the city. Happy shooting! :)
  4. J

    For the 'younger' members of TP....

    I am 18 and am going in to my second year of Photography at college after dropping out of sixth form because my photography teacher said I was not doing enough work, I find the work load to be okay, the problem is other parts of the course such as animation and art... Mathis I could understand...
  5. J

    Sigma EF-610 DG ST - Pentax ME

    Hi, I have recently purchased a Sigma EF-610 flash. I have used it with newer Pentax digital models but could I safely use it with a Pentax ME Super, I understand that the auto-zoom would not work and neither would TTL. Thanks
  6. J

    What size memory cards do you use?

    At the moment I have 3x 2GB and one 4Gb, on my outdated K200d that is about 150 RAW images on the 2GB. When I upgrade to the K5 though I will get two additional 8Gb cards, these will mainly be for video but also additional space if I fill the others up. I always transfer images using a card...
  7. J

    Flash Slideshows

    I have attempted at making one using VisualSlideshow which uses jQuery coding. Let me know what you think and if you can see it on your device/in your browser.
  8. J

    Flash Slideshows

    Hello, I would like to produce several image slideshows to display on my website that will play similarly to the one on this page. I don't mind how it is coded as long as I can produce it easily, it will have no unwanted branding in it and it can be viewed on most computers and devices...
  9. J

    Problems with over exposure on 60d

    It would be worth checking updates to both Ps and Adobe Camera RAW. Then you should be able to open the files.
  10. J

    How do I open .NEF in CS3

    I agree, the idea of dng is a universal format. To the best of my knowledge only Pentax have adopted it (my k100d is from before they did) and we still have a long way to go before it is fully accepted.
  11. J

    How do I open .NEF in CS3

    Often if you cannot open raw files a camera raw update is required. Search for 'adobe camera raw' you should be able to find the update fairly easily.
  12. J

    Problems with over exposure on 60d

    Are you told to shoot in Raw on your course, we are told to in lv3. It's something I have always done and would suggest it as it gives you a lot of control during PP.
  13. J

    10-20 Lens.

    The 10-20 is a stunning lens, if I had enough money I would buy one straight away! Luckily while I'm still at college I can borrow theirs although it's a Nikon mount so I have to borrow a camera as well.
  14. J

    Your own pictures on the wall at home, or not?

    I have a small series of photographs on my wall, they are small in size and mounted in frameless frames. I don't really see them as my photos, I see them just of photographs of my city. In most cases I wouldn't want them on my wall though. Although if I had my own studio or editing room I...
  15. J

    Kodak IE - A couple of questions

    Thanks, I will probably use a yellow filter as this seems to be the mode commonly used for colour ir film.