Recent content by kelvinkuokm

  1. K


    avoid flash for sports. go with fast lenses. lenses like 85mm f1.8, 70-200 f2.8 IS MkII if you can afford it
  2. K

    What wedding lenses - your suggestions/recommendations

    My personal take on wedding photography is to have 2 bodies, a crop and a FF. 35mm f1.4 on the FF and 85mm f1.2/1.4 on the crop. And there's the availability of redundancy in case one body fails
  3. K

    Candid street lens recommendations

    the 85mm f1.4 offering by sigma is an excellent piece of lens for street photography but if you prefer to shoot the subject at a further distance, something along the lines of 135mm will serve you better. not to mention the bokeh of a longer lens will be more impressive
  4. K

    Camera for son

    with any canon body, just make sure you get the 50 f1.8 too. it is a cheap piece of plastic but worth every penny of its price!! and great lens to start "learning" photography
  5. K

    what camera & lenses

    i suggest sitting down and figuring out what do you actually want in the long run. I've wasted lots of $$ buying and selling products which were bought on impulse. And a piece of advice, lenses are alot more important than the camera body itself. Try getting a second hand 500d and 50 f1.8 for a...
  6. K

    Need help choosing a tripod please

    a manfrotto 190Cx carbon fibre if you can afford it, but the aluminium one will be fine as well. the weight increase is negligible compared to the trouble lugging the tripod around