Recent content by kevojackass

  1. kevojackass

    Scawby Ponds, North Lincs

    no pulling the wool over your eyes here!! i had just set my white balance to the snow on the ground and just turned round and snap shot this bush, it wasnt an intended shot, and it was only when it loaded in the pc i noticed the layer of colours that go from top to bottom of the pic and it was...
  2. kevojackass

    the moon over hibladstow

    hi thanks for your comment im still very new to photography, i tried it with a shot with the moon in focus but it never worked for me i preferred the feel of this one much more but still got loads to learn
  3. kevojackass

    the moon over hibladstow

    moon and branches jpeg by kevin parker photography, on Flickr
  4. kevojackass

    Scawby Ponds, North Lincs

    scawby tree in water jpeg by kevin parker photography, on Flickr
  5. kevojackass

    Scawby Ponds, North Lincs

    scawby 4 jpeg by kevin parker photography, on Flickr
  6. kevojackass

    Scawby Ponds, North Lincs

    scawby 1 jpeg by kevin parker photography, on Flickr
  7. kevojackass

    My First Proper Attempt At A Nightscape

    the image is great can really see what you wanted to acheive and it scares me how good your gonna be as your knowledge grows