Recent content by larakitten

  1. larakitten

    Surggestions for a Holga like 35mm camera

    I have a Diana F+ which is just like the Holga.....plastic, light leaks etc. I love using it as I never quite know what its going to do. I also bought the adapter to put the plastic Diana lenses on my DSLR. I also seem to attract rubbish old cameras. I use a Zenit E, Halina 35x, Konica EEmatic...
  2. larakitten


    Thank you Andrew, apology accepted. I hope that we can all just get along and share/ask for help as needed. I appreciate the reply, very much so.
  3. larakitten

    My song lyrics thread

    Second in the series "why can't it be mine" Which I interpreted as a love lost and leaving......
  4. larakitten

    My song lyrics thread

    Hi all, I saw in a mag last month (I forget which one now, sorry) a suggestion that a favourite song might be a good project prompt. I was looking to start a new project, so here we go. I'm working on my interpretation of the song lyrics to Pearl Jams "Black". This is my daughter, who agreed to...
  5. larakitten

    Show us yer film shots then!

    This was shot on a Nikon N60, using a 35-80 lens. I used Ilford hp5 film, it was developed and scanned by Filmdev (learning is next on my list!!) .I then edited it in Photoscape X Pro. It's my first dabble into film, and only been shooting for just over a year. I love grungy, grainy, layered...
  6. larakitten


    I'm rather fortunate in that mine came with an original box and manual! Happy to scan and post it up if any one else daft enough to have one of these cameras should need it.
  7. larakitten


    Thank you so much for trying! Really appreciate it. And really do say a big thanks for a warm welcome (and the suggestion of being a younger member........I'm old enough to have used film cameras and to have an 11 year old daughter, yikes!). I did notice the member was suspended, oops, sorry...
  8. larakitten


    Thank you all for a much more pleasant welcome! I'd really like to stick around ha ha. I saw the Arti-six for sale that was posted upthread, mine was under a tenner and all bits that should move do so, so I'm hopeful of a successful test once I get it cleaned up. I can't find much at all really...
  9. larakitten


    Gee, so that's how this forum goes. Ok dokes, thanks for the links anyway. Very welcoming to the newcomer. Next time I shall list, page by page, link by link, every single resource I have looked at and bore everyone to tears. I only asked a simple question, looking for a little help and...
  10. larakitten


    Yes, I've read those, bit sharp there no? I was only asking if anyone else had any other info as those pages are limited and there are little to no videos or anything to help someone new to the camera. There are no posts on this forum either, hence wondering if there were actually any other...
  11. larakitten


    Hi folks, I picked up an Arti-six in it's original box plus manual yesterday for just a few pounds in a local market. All seems to work, although it needs a good clean and a proper test with some film. An initial google reveals.........not very much at all. Can anyone shed any light on these...
  12. larakitten

    Camera for 8 year old

    Is it a compact you want for her? I gave my old Nikon d40 plus kit lens to my daughter. They can be picked up easily enough second hand for around your budget? It's tough as old boots and let's her experiment.