Recent content by leemmjones

  1. L

    My first self portrait

    I like it, definitely looks cool!! Maybe just remove the previous photo thumbnail that looks like you used flash on the last one! Lol!
  2. L

    Another go at wire wool

    Love the reflection, I did some near a canal and actually noticed some of the sparks bounce on the water, going to experiment more and try see if I can get it to do it again
  3. L

    Wire wool spinning and light orbs

    Love the lighthouse shot! I'm looking for some good locations as it's definitely the location that makes the shot too I think
  4. L

    Wire Wool Spin - First Attempt. Anyone know good Yorkshire locations?

    Thanks, will try now PHI_75292 by Φ tography, on Flickr
  5. L

    Wire Wool Spin - First Attempt. Anyone know good Yorkshire locations?

    I've managed a first attempt at wire wool spinning - wouldn't mind some feedback or tips if possible? Were really struggling for a location and stumbled on this accidentally. Was really worried about the camera and lens at one point - whats the best thing to protect it? I ended up with a mess...
  6. L

    Wire Wool - First go

    I had my first attempt the other day, I used a bird feeder in the shape of an apple I bought from B & Q, thought it would need tweaking a bit but it worked great, plus added a chain due to the weight so it didn't come off and it held the wool nicely. All for a few quid :) feedback on my first...
  7. L

    Wire Wool Spinning

    I've managed a first attempt at wire wool spinning - wouldn't mind some feedback or tips if possible? Were really struggling for a location and stumbled on this accidentally. Was really worried about the camera and lens at one point - whats the best thing to protect it? I ended up with a mess...
  8. L

    Roundhay Park wire wool spinning

    Do you have another location or night planned in for this? I had bought all the gear a while back, and also have some fire poi, but I've not been able to find a suitable location or people willing to give it a go before I found these images just now?