Recent content by londonsnapper

  1. L

    Is this 50mm?

    What's the general consensus on the focal length of this lens? It was taken on 35mm format:
  2. L

    Telephoto Compression

    Hi all, Has the photographer used a telephoto lens for this shot: Thanks!
  3. L

    What Focal Length?

    Why do you say that, Richard?
  4. L

    What Focal Length?

    Sorry all. I'm referring to image 31. The one with the long tire tracks and the flames on the very horizon.
  5. L

    What Focal Length?

    Assuming this was taken on a 35mm film SLR, what focal length would you say this was?
  6. L

    50mm Photographers

    But which famous photographers actually use this standard 50mm focal length? I need to find a few references.
  7. L

    50mm Photographers

    I'm just trying to understand why it is such a revered focal length. Any suggestions? Thanks!
  8. L

    50mm Photographers

    Hi guys, can anyone suggest any famous photographers who use a 50mm lens/focal length. Past or present masters all welcome. I know Cartier-Bresson did, but who else? Links to examples would also be great! Thanks!
  9. L

    Focal Length/Sensor Size

    Thanks everyone for the info and experiments. so is it true to say the following: 'Telephoto lenses seemingly compress the sense of distance, as they offer a much narrower field of view'.
  10. L

    Focal Length/Sensor Size

    So, is it true to say that a telephoto lens makes things seem flatter, or foreshortened, simply because it offers a narrower field of view?
  11. L

    Focal Length/Sensor Size

    But doesn't a telephoto focal length compress the perspective while a wider focal length elongates it? Surely that must mean that focal length effects perspective?
  12. L

    Focal Length/Sensor Size

    Thanks. That's what I thought. So, does this mean that you can't achieve anywhere near the same classic 50mm 'standard' look on a cropped sensor?
  13. L

    Focal Length/Sensor Size

    Hi all, What's a standard focal length on a APS-C and Micro Four Thirds sensor? I know that it's around 30mm and 25mm respectively, but isn't that a completely different focal length that will change the depth perception rather than just compensate for the restricted field of view?
  14. L


    Thanks. Also, what's a standard focal length on a APS-C and Micro Four Thirds sensor? I know that it's around 30mm and 25mm respectively, but isn't that a completely different focal length that will change the depth perception rather than just compensate for the restricted field of view?
  15. L


    Hi there, Just a quick question. Does 'telephoto' mean a zoom lens, or does it just mean a lens with a high magnification? For example, can a telephoto lens be a prime lens? Thanks!