Recent content by lubaka

  1. L

    Rolandtrade: safe or fraud?

    Thank you Can! I think that everybody should fill out this form! Its a PDF and you can choose the language. And at the end you can send it with one click to the European Consumer Centre! Do it!:bat:
  2. L

    Rolandtrade: safe or fraud?

    Sorry! I just asked the other austrian guy about interpol. I wanted to know, what they said and if there is a special contact-person for victims of rolandtrade.
  3. L

    Rolandtrade: safe or fraud?

    Vielen Dank für die schnelle Antwort! Ich werde mich morgen an *** Konsumentenschutz (AK) bzw. an *** Verein für Konsumenteninformation(VKI) wenden. Die Bank werde ich auch informieren. Was hat Interpol dazu gesagt? Gibt es dort einen Ansprechpartner? LG, Lubaka
  4. L

    Rolandtrade: safe or fraud?

    What should we do??
  5. L

    Rolandtrade: safe or fraud?

    Hello, Im also from Austria and Im also a victim of Rolandtrade. Maybe you could tell me what I should do? Is there an organisation that could help us to get the money back? I ordered a Canon 7D for 1246,- ... :bang: