Recent content by lucymay

  1. lucymay

    Steam train leaving Grosmont

    I like it, going up there tomorrow walking i hope to get lucky with one of these fine machines. dave
  2. lucymay


    Brilliant and braver than me! Great shot. dave
  3. lucymay

    Reds @ Scarborough 29.06.13

    Brilliant, was at Bridlington when in a split second I became aware of the Battle of Britain Flight approaching, with seconds to spare i got some shots. Great to see. Especially like the Black and White one. Cheers. dave
  4. lucymay

    Barn Owls a bit differnet

    Thanks for the replies, as I cant make my mind up I kept a dark set and have done a lighter more exposed set! cheers dave
  5. lucymay

    Barn Owls a bit differnet

    I took these yesterday and when I saw them straight out of the camera I liked the fact that they were dark, I have only cropped them a bit and wondered what others thought? Should I lighten them? I suppose I like the ghostly way they look to me! 1 2 3 4 5 6 Thanks dave
  6. lucymay

    Short Eared Owls (again)

    Many thanks for that Karen, I dont feel so bad about splashing out on a 1.4 converter today now! All of your advice I will take on board, I get lots of opportunities its nailing a good shot that I just want to achieve now, thanks again. dave
  7. lucymay

    Short Eared Owls (again)

    Brilliant! Hope you dont mind me asking, what lens are you using Karen and do you work from a hide? On shots I'm taking were the bird is flying towards me I struggle to get the wings in focus, I suppose shutter speed is key but light is a problem for me as they dont often appear until the last...
  8. lucymay

    SEO Advice please

    Many thanks everyone for the advice. I seem to have reached a certain point and it is pin sharp shots that I'm hoping to develop to. That said I also need to get a better understanding of editing in Elements 9, which is what I use. I get a good few Barns and SEO's near were I live and I have...
  9. lucymay

    SEO Advice please

    With a short crop. dave
  10. lucymay

    Recent Barn Owls

    Brilliant, my favourite land bird, I get loads of viewings its the standard I struggle with! Great to see. dave
  11. lucymay

    SEO Advice please

    Hi, took this today at about 3.15 on my 7D 100 - 400 lens in AV mode, ISO 3200, aperture 8.0 and the shutter speed was 1/2000. I have done no editing it is as it came out of the camera. Basically my ? is how could I have done it better, this is about the average standard i am achieving and want...
  12. lucymay

    05:12, New Years!

    Well as a fisherman and a photographer or so I think, I can understand were this guy is coming from (the fisherman)! Nice shot. dave
  13. lucymay

    Your Bird shot of 2012

    Mine of a Harris Hawk about to land on my daughters glove, was on a falconry day out. dave
  14. lucymay

    Barn Owl

    Thanks, A long way to go to get to the standard on here but thats an incentive! one more. dave
  15. lucymay

    Barn Owl

    Out and about yesterday were I have followed these owls before. I welcome C&C, I had difficulty getting the sun were I wanted it and missed some great opportunity's more by been suprised how close they came! Thanks for looking, not as good as some I see on here, I'm still wearing L plates...