Recent content by Lurking Lawyer

  1. L

    First posted pic - my daughter Charlotte

    Thanks for the comments - especially V8burble's! It's nice to know that someone didn't consider the first photo that I've taken and been moderately happy with to be a complete washout! ;) Seriously, the comments about PP are helpful. It inspired me to venture into the PP forum, where I found...
  2. L

    First posted pic - my daughter Charlotte

    Taken with a nifty fifty in aperture priority mode, wide open from vague memory. I haven't got as far as working out how to extract EXIF info yet. I'll go check the manual! And yes, it was very overcast when they were taken so the light wasn't great.
  3. L

    First posted pic - my daughter Charlotte

    I don't mind at all, Paul - thanks! As I said, I'm just starting out - it's hard enough to get anything worthwhile straight out of the camera, let alone worry about the dark arts of post-processing and tweaking images to improve them. I know even less about the latter than I do about taking...
  4. L

    First posted pic - my daughter Charlotte

    Arse. Linking to flickr photos doesn't seem to have worked. Great first try! Doh. Let me play around with it..... EDIT: Sorted it!
  5. L

    First posted pic - my daughter Charlotte

    I'm a complete photography n00b and have only had my first DSLR for a month or so. I thought I'd post a couple of pictures taken recently for comments and criticism. I'm still very much at the shoot-loads-and-hope-for-the-best stage so fully accept that there is an awful lot for me to learn...
  6. L

    Warrranty issue

    It has be of "satisfactory quality" pursuant to the Sale of Goods Act 1979. The statutory warranty may only run for 12 months but that isn't to say that you couldn't bring a claim after that alleging that it failed to meet the satisfactory quality test. Most retailers are ignorant about...
  7. L

    Cad West

    Thinking about the references to Valley, Cad isn't shorthand for Cadair Idris, is it....?
  8. L

    Cad West

    Can someone tell a n00b where exactly Cad West is....? I didn't know the RAF even had any operational Jet Provosts left in service! (I think, strictly speaking, the Strikemaster was only ever an export version. Didn't the RAF only employ the JP in the basic jet trainer role, not as a...
  9. L

    lens filters?

    When I did a bit of research on this recently, the concensus seemed to be that there's not much point using a UV filter but that a circular polarising filter was a useful too, especially if you take landscape shots - it helps bring out more vivid colours and adds contrast. I paid around £13...
  10. L

    Oxford Trip + A Few Hours in York

    You can go up the tower of St Mary's church - it's on the High Street, next to Radcliffe Square. From there, you'll have great views into the Square of the Camera, Brasenose College (my alma mater!) off to the left, All Souls College to the right and the back of the Sheldonian Theatre directly...
  11. L

    Lens advice - new q regarding a 'nifty fifty'

    :lol: So very true! I'm just starting out and have been doing lots of reading about what to replace the 18-55 (non-IS) Canon kit lens with in due course - I keep thinking I've settled on a contender only then to read something different in another thread and so go back to not really knowing...
  12. L

    Canon 400D?

    Bryan Petersen. I'm midway through it. As a DSLR n00b, it has been very helpful indeed to me.
  13. L

    Canon 400D?

    Are you getting multiple points of focus in the viewfinder, Kira? If so, you may need to change the autofocus mode so that it discounts the outer points and focuses only on the single point at the centre of the viewfinder. Aperture setting will depend on what depth of field you want - low...
  14. L

    Daughters (teenage) AGHHHHHHH....

    My daughter is only 15 months old, so I'm not (at least for the moment) cursed with the kind of antics mentioned on this thread. That said, she has just discovered the joys of throwing a tantrum. When she can't get her way, she has taken to starting bawling, lying on the floor and kicking her...
  15. L

    Daughters (teenage) AGHHHHHHH....

    I don't think posts in Out of Focus are counted, Mrs C - only posts on the "proper" forums :)