Recent content by Mad_Mac

  1. M

    Digital printing company with ICC profiles

    Thanks everyone. If your printers are calibrated then results should be close. Close would be enough for me. Normal customer wouldn't say a word about differences. When I asked for a profile of the printer i Jessops guy didn't know what I'm taking about. They even don't calibrate their...
  2. M

    Digital printing company with ICC profiles

    Hi Everyone. I want to buy wide gamut eizo or nec monitor plus calibrator. The only problem is that I can't find affordable company who can provide their printers profiles. There is no point to spend fortune for monitor and calibrator if I won't be able to get prints(I found company which...
  3. M

    Mad_Mac - first studio shot

    Thanks for C&C. It will help in next sessions. Ecniv I think your monitor must have bad matrix or you set it to bright.
  4. M

    Mad_Mac - first studio shot

    This is one of my first studio shots. I did lot of portraits and glam but never whole model. C&C more than welcome.
  5. M

    Mad_Mac - Amy in vintage colours

    Hi No I didn't use ring light here.
  6. M

    My Baby Girl

    I love the first one! Best framing.
  7. M

    Mad_Mac - Amy in vintage colours

    One from last session in my small studio.
  8. M

    Trying out the studio PT2

    No 4 is the best one fromacji this set.
  9. M

    Mad_Mac - Amy in studio

    Thanks for all you C&C and edits. Personally I don't have any problems with ring light reflection in models eyes.
  10. M

    Mad_Mac - Amy in studio

    Because it wasnt flash. It was ring light with bulbs.
  11. M

    Mad_Mac - Amy in studio

    Thank for all c&c No I didn't add them.
  12. M

    Mad_Mac - Amy in studio

    This is the first onefrom wholeset so come back soon for more! C&C welcome!
  13. M


    Really nice but I would crop 1cm from top and right
  14. M

    Lauren UPDATED with more :)

    1 best pose, worst light 2 nice light, nice natural pose 3 love location but pose is terrible and look very forced
  15. M

    Early Morning Harrogate

    Tunel next to bus station and second one next to mcdonald with thomas cook in background? :) Great PP on nr one and nice emotion and rain on 2.