Recent content by MadFrankie

  1. MadFrankie

    Astro in / around Hereford

    Hi, I'm going up to just outside Hereford for the weekend with friends and noticed on the darksitefinder website that light pollution is lower than where I live and then also it's about an hour away from the edge of the real dark areas in Wales. Has anyone done any astro around here, would I...
  2. MadFrankie


    Yeah, it didn't in photoshop...must work out a better way to PP it.
  3. MadFrankie

    Photos in the public domain

    So essentially, what we are saying is that it's a bit like a burglar, if they want to steal your photos they will but the harder you make it the less you worry...and if / when it does eventually happen you just need to be able to somehow pick up the pieces.
  4. MadFrankie

    Photos in the public domain

    So do you use a watermark?
  5. MadFrankie

    Photos in the public domain

    Thanks guys, interesting responses. I suppose my use of public domain shows how easy it is to get mixed up with terminology, how important it is to know your legal rights and how easy it is to get lost in all the jargon / legalise...
  6. MadFrankie

    Hungry wasp

    I did wonder why the body was a bit washed out and not vivid yellow / black. I just assumed it was a worker or some random species...not big on my wasps Thanks, there were 3 on the same bush and it took ages to get them in the frame and then in focus before they flew off, I've got loads of...
  7. MadFrankie


    Was mowing the lawn today and this little fellow jumped out of the long grass just before the mower got there. IMG_4125_opt2_1024 by Mad Frankie, on Flickr
  8. MadFrankie

    Hungry wasp

    IMG_4073_opt1024 by Mad Frankie, on Flickr IMG_4073_opt2_1024 by Mad Frankie, on Flickr A quick 5 minutes spare for the first time in ages I grabbed the macro lens and took a few shots in the garden. here's the first one I have processed
  9. MadFrankie

    Photos in the public domain

    Hi, I know this overall topic has been done many, many times here but I'm coming at this from a slightly different angle. Background: I want to put my photos online, some will be private and so shared only with family and friends, (pics of daughter, birthdays etc), and then there will be some...
  10. MadFrankie

    Critique Divi-Divi Tree

    I'd love to see this shot a bit further from the left so more of a profile of the tree with the sun setting in the background...perhaps even on a slow release to make the sea a bit creamy... Proper desert island image...make the most of the stunning location while you can!
  11. MadFrankie

    Waverley Abbey

    Agree with what morfis just said. Definitely do it again and get a remote shutter, they are relatively cheap on ebay but a must for anything starry. To late in the year for it now, (the Milky Way goes mainly Southern Hemisphere now), but I can see with a bit of practise I can se some...
  12. MadFrankie

    Waverley Abbey

    Hummmm, that doesn't sound long on those settings. Maybe it's my crappy monitor. The calcs on that site might be labelled for the Milky Way but it is essentially the longest you can have an exposure before the start start to trail so it's essentially the same thing.
  13. MadFrankie

    Waverley Abbey

    Nice set, I'd say that the exposure time was slightly too long as you've got oval stars which suggests you've got the very beginnings of star trails. Unless that was what you were going for. I imagine it's pretty hard to balance the star exposure v lighting the place up...
  14. MadFrankie

    First post in this Forum

    Both nice shots in their own rights. No 1 looks like its almost been shot with a tilt shift effect on. I'm expecting the Ninky Nonk to appear, (reference for parents of young children only)
  15. MadFrankie

    Critique Simba the ginger

    I'd crop the left slightly so his left eye is on a third but great shot, nice and sharp and good DOF...