Recent content by Marty_Low_79

  1. Marty_Low_79

    A walk into Rannoch Moor

    Cheers Kieran. I don't know of any water falls near the moor the only one I can think of is on the bend at the bridge bit before you enter Glencoe. If you can find a picture and post it and ill see if i can identify it. If its the famous one in front of the Beuchille thats in a lot of photos...
  2. Marty_Low_79

    A walk into Rannoch Moor

    Cheers for the comments. That's the same track Phil. I just took the walk out from the Kings House and walk towards the station. I didn't go the whole way though as its a bit far just done 5 miles out and back. Great part of the country.
  3. Marty_Low_79

    A walk into Rannoch Moor

    A few from a wee trek along Rannoch Moor:) Lochan side view Road to the Big Heardsman Two tone Highlands Peace The Long road Home
  4. Marty_Low_79

    My New Scooter

    Nice Scooter. I got to a few scooter rallys up here through the year and try to capture them but I can never do them justice. Theres a Mod Rally weekender in May at Ayr so ill give it another bash. Get that fox tail on. We are the Mods:thumbs:
  5. Marty_Low_79

    Loch Arklet, The Trossachs

    Thanks for you kind comments:thumbs:
  6. Marty_Low_79

    Loch Arklet, The Trossachs

    Any ideas why the pics are small? Didnt do that in my last thread..........ignore this fixed it
  7. Marty_Low_79

    Loch Arklet, The Trossachs

    The wife and I went a wee drive to The Trossachs area on Sunday and i managed to capture this.
  8. Marty_Low_79

    South Downs Stages Rally

    Nice shots. Really like 3, and yes Clapton is god and Mods do rule. We are the mods.
  9. Marty_Low_79

    Glasgow Monte Carlo Start

    Cheers Holty. It was at Glasgow green on Saturday, January 26, 2013. I dont know if its a regular thing.
  10. Marty_Low_79

    Glasgow Monte Carlo Start

    Hi. new poster here.:wave: Sorry im a bit late with these. Worth a wee post id say.