Recent content by mickyc1

  1. mickyc1

    Nikon 50mm 1.4 - D AF or AF-s G

    What are the main differences with this lens? I see the AF-S looks to be a better build quality but what else does it have above the older version? I'm looking for it for my d90 so want to know if it worth the extra £50 or so to get the latest version.
  2. mickyc1

    more exotics

    Lovely photos. Especially love the shot of the pewter(?) royal.
  3. mickyc1

    Raynox 250 HELP

    Echoing what has been said above. When i first got mine i was totally disheartened as i couldn't get a decent shot at all, but coming on here and searching through the various raynox threads helped me no end. Manual focus is the only way to use this lens, play about with any object to start...
  4. mickyc1

    Help buying new nikon kit

    I was thinking that also about the 50mm prime, that's why i'm asking the advice of the masses!!
  5. mickyc1

    Help buying new nikon kit

    I am just about to get back into photography after a hiatus and want some advice on what to buy. I've always been a nikon guy and want to stay this way. I have around £1000 to spend and was looking at a d90 (body only), Tamron 17-50 and 50mm prime (1.8). I'm most intrested in landscape and...
  6. mickyc1

    Cornish Angel

    Have you processed the angel statue in mono? It looks like its been placed in the picture afterwards.
  7. mickyc1

    Best place to send nikon slr to get fixed

    Cheers guys, fixation it is then!
  8. mickyc1

    Best place to send nikon slr to get fixed

    A friend of mine brought her d80 into jessops to get sent away to get fixed (out of warranty). The camera was sporadically refusing to take shots and there was a strange noise when the lens was focusing. She just got a letter back saying it would cost £350 to fix and all it says in the fault...
  9. mickyc1

    Very Tame Robin

    I certainly did! Not much of a fan of the show but that segment was absolutely fantastic and warmed the heart. Great story, and you must feel so privileged to be able to gain the trust of such a beautiful bird.
  10. mickyc1

    WC Surinam Red Tailed Boa

    Beautiful! I had a Jerry Cole bred male Suriname that i sold last year, have regretted it ever since. BCC > BCI
  11. mickyc1

    Best way to pack up camera equipment for postage

    I'm in the process of selling a camera and lenses + accessories in the classified and was wondering on the best way to pack? I'm thinking of bubble wrap for the camera and lenses and putting them along with the accessories in a box stuffed with newspaper or those polystyrene things (where can i...
  12. mickyc1

    The unluckiest photographer in the country?

    i would be curious also.....
  13. mickyc1

    The unluckiest photographer in the country?

    I wonder did he drink the cans of coke as well the greedy so and so. Just shows how stupid some people are. To try it once is a joke, but you have the chance of getting away with it. To try it twice shows they somehow missed out on evolution. People need to realise similar companies may share...
  14. mickyc1

    bloody camera shop sales assistants

    The exact same guy i dealt with when purchasing my d3000. An absolute gent and i was in the shop for about 45 minutes discussing things with him, he was really clued up and friendly. He also pointed me in the direction of a few camera clubs and I am now a member of one. Jessops do get a bad rap...
  15. mickyc1

    First picture on my 5D

    From the details given i would say it was a nifty fifty! Great ****, the DOF is just perfect