Recent content by MrsBrightside

  1. MrsBrightside

    How to manually focus

    I guess that's a lesson learnt to read what im buying!! Also not to rush in and to ask first! Lol
  2. MrsBrightside

    How to manually focus

    this is the one I bought I take it its totally different
  3. MrsBrightside

    Just afew

    Brilliant shall purchase this evening for that price :)
  4. MrsBrightside

    How to manually focus

    It's nice to read you can get some great results but how lol I'm just getting blurs at best lol x
  5. MrsBrightside

    How to manually focus

    Thankyou John will check it out! X.
  6. MrsBrightside

    Family portrait attempt

    number 3 is lovely althou im no expert at all just a beginner I think babies face is a wee too light on 3 again i think thats down to preference xx
  7. MrsBrightside

    Recommend a photography book please?

    Might add some of them to my reading list! And btw I must be one of the only ladies in the world NOT reading 50 shades! Lol Oh and I have canon 450d for dummies that's quite good! X
  8. MrsBrightside

    How to manually focus

    I'll prob stick in on here I can't see me buying any other camera for a long while anyway lol thanks for all the comments guys!
  9. MrsBrightside

    How to manually focus

    I bought it from eBay while waiting for my new camera coming so a while ago now so no chance of money back now lol ah well lesson learnt lol x
  10. MrsBrightside

    How to manually focus

    Oh I'm gutted lol as basically the adaptor just makes the lens fit from what I can see the guy I bought it off said that I would work but I would have to adjust manually!? I was going to buy a nifty from here but had a bill come in yesterday and I really want to play with one now!! :( boo hiss
  11. MrsBrightside

    How to manually focus

    yup i thought that easy but no still out of focus? lol
  12. MrsBrightside

    How to manually focus

    I recently bought a Canon FD 50 mm F/1.8 Lens and an adaptor for it to fit my 450d anyway I understand can only manually focus it but how the devil do I do it? lol im new to all this and haven't had my camera very long so as easy as possible to understand lol
  13. MrsBrightside

    Mk3 Escort Series 1 Turbo

    Yes i did edit it. Planning another shoot with her I think. our friend has a rs500 so im hoping to get a retro shoot with them both
  14. MrsBrightside

    Mk3 Escort Series 1 Turbo

    Gosh I forgot I had this in here.... Now ive got my new camera I will try and get some more shots. Shes going to to have to be moved soon as we are moving house so i should get some then! x
  15. MrsBrightside

    Just afew

    Its the best feeling in the world and my new camera is actually my baby. Im so amazed at some of the shots ive managed so far, brilliant bit of kit. Nope I didnt already know will have a look about for a diffuser thankyou for that! where would I start looking ebay? :) x