Recent content by Nem

  1. N

    Gumball 3000

    Rather than start another thread I hope you don't mind me adding a few in here which I managed (I'll remove them is it's a problem)... Nick
  2. N

    Snetterton GT Trophy + Support 30/10/10

    Thanks :) Had a quick go again at those three photos to see how they work with those suggestions. Nick
  3. N

    Snetterton GT Trophy + Support 30/10/10

    Think it's about time I stopped lurking and actually posted up some results of my day out yesterday. These are taken with my 40D + kit lens, first time trying any real motorsport photos and certainly never tried at night before. Quite happy for any comments, just really enjoyed the day out...
  4. N

    Geneva Motorshow 09

    Ok, so first posting of any images from me. I've had my 40D (and kit lens) about 4 weeks now and this is the first time I've really used it, so please be gentle :) These are straight out of the camera with just a resize for the forum. Not exactly an easy environment with the lighting and also...