Recent content by Nettle573

  1. N

    Walking Shoes

    I bought a pair of salomon ones in South Africa two years ago, use them tonnes and they are still going strong. You can get them in the UK oc (otherwise why mention them :P)
  2. N

    Required for UK warranty

    Good point. I asked about UK warranty so I'm going on that.
  3. N

    Required for UK warranty

    Hi all I wasn't really sure where to stick this, but i see it being asked quite often so while looking for a camera to buy I phoned cannon and was told the following was requited for a Cannon UK warranty. - Proof of purchase must have a UK address (yours and theirs) - How much you paid...
  4. N

    camera bag

    I don't know if this will be what your looking for but it's made by F-One a kitesurfing company for surfers / travels who want their camera separate from the rest of the bag but able to carry other stuff (laptop, beach stuff etc)...
  5. N

    Recommend a photography book please?

    Well I can sympathise, but I do understand where your wife is coming from, I can take instruction from anyone else than my other half, for some reason it just ends up with one of us going mental :bonk: But in regard to the books thank you for recommending them, they'll help a lot and now i...
  6. N

    South Africa Wildlife

    Ahhh ok I see what you mean. Is it pretty standard that you would end up editing photos this way when you get back or is it a case of my bad pic (or a combo of the two). Sorry i'm asking silly or basic questions, but i'm going on the premise of 'don't ask, don't learn'. :bang:
  7. N

    South Africa Wildlife

    Hiya Thank you both for your advice. Please don't be worried about bashing my pics a bit, I'm aware that I'm a beginner and understand that without help and advice I would not improve as much as i would wish (such as pointing out mistakes I've made)! :help: As for the editing box, i'll take...
  8. N


    Sports equipment, just bought a whole new set to replace the old and got almost £1000 off from calling shops etc and beating the prices down. What does my nut is people with no previous experience probably would end up paying full whack :( Now I'm trying to find backpacks for my Christmas...
  9. N

    South Africa Wildlife

    Hi all These are the pics that i managed to save from my trip. I would appreciate any hints, tips etc that you would be willing to provide. I know they're amateurish but I would appreciate any help so I can improve. These where taken with a canon 7d with a small kit lens. Regards...
  10. N

    Printing from iPad or iPhone

    I had the same thing, there is also an app called printshare pro - it prints from your iPad / phone directly over your wireless network, but I also think if your printer is left on you can print even when you are out and about :) But tbh there are a lot of good & useful apps, just takes a bit...
  11. N

    Should I have handled this differently?

    This made me giggle, perhaps, expanding on the mug idea.. You get a mug made up for each family with a pic of their kids on it as a momento, hers would be either blurred kids or sad faces :) But it's truly silly that she went postal when all she had to do on the first request is just inform you...
  12. N

    WON!! My first online photo competition

    Congratulations! You must be really chuffed :)
  13. N

    First urban welding glass shot

    Yep, sorry I need to be more specific when I offer my thoughts hehe
  14. N

    First urban welding glass shot

    No worries, I'm just curious as the roof line draws my eye down to the building so thought it would be interesting to see :)
  15. N

    First urban welding glass shot

    I really like it :) stunning pic - have you tried taking out the building on the right? Just to compare? Regards