Recent content by Nionyn

  1. Nionyn

    Best studio background music?

    So do it. :) Why? If you must, and you insist on suggestions, I'd play something unobjectionable, classical, light and relaxing, such as Vivaldi's "Four Seasons". All it would take to change it to something more suitable (once you know what is more suitable) would be the click of a button...
  2. Nionyn

    Best studio background music?

    Nothing is going to appeal to everyone or to all ages. Ask your subjects what they like or, better still, what they'd specifically like to have playing during their sessions. If they also use Spotify (ask them when they book) they could even make up their own playlists. You could even make a...
  3. Nionyn

    Lighting for a beginner?

    Emily edited her original post to add the following. I'm adding a new post since it's likely that nobody will have noticed Emily's edit (I hadn't until I looked very closely!). :) Top tip: Emily, a new post is better than editing your original one (especially after people have already replied...
  4. Nionyn

    Lighting for a beginner?

    Cool. Glad you can see it. Nice, eh? As you can also tell, I edited my reply whilst you were posting. :whistle:
  5. Nionyn

    Lighting for a beginner?

    Strange, the photo shows fine for me - it's hosted on TP. It's nice. :) The catchlights suggest that a relatively small (or distant) light source was present camera-left and above the subject's head-height, but the shadows are beautifully soft with a reasonable fall-off, suggesting a larger...
  6. Nionyn

    Day light LED fresnel lights

    Once again I agree with your every word there, Garry. :) I've used plenty of cheap (£200 - £400) LED lights for theatre work. But nearly always for colour and effects. TH is still the standard in most of the industry for naturalistic lighting of people - for the colour reasons mentioned above...
  7. Nionyn

    Day light LED fresnel lights

    Cool! Yes indeed, it can be done - at a price (which I obviously don't need to tell you! ;) ) Oh god, yes - absolutely spot on there, Garry! There are, of course, lights costing that kind of money in regular everyday use in many thousands of theatres and TV studios across the world, but they...
  8. Nionyn

    Day light LED fresnel lights

    There is considerably more to a fresnel light source than the lens. The lens, its position, size and design are important, certainly, And there are excellent fresnel lenses and dreadful ones. I've probably used many hundreds of different ones over the years But the size and position of the...
  9. Nionyn

    Day light LED fresnel lights

    Modern LED fresnels can behave as "traditional" fresnels. I've worked on a few theatre productions where LED fresnels were used as part of the rigs. They're fine in terms of focusing and beam characteristics. But they're still not perfect as far as colour and CRI are concerned. They're also...
  10. Nionyn

    speedlite diffuser

    Why, exactly, are you "...looking for the dome shaped ones like kood or gary fong type"? They can very occasionally serve a valid function, though that function is extremely limited and is very rarely the function that people buying them think it is. As Phil correctly states above, those...
  11. Nionyn

    Light - Is The most important aspect of photography

    Oh, and just in case anybody here is so young that they don't get the reference, watch this: And in a pathetic attempt to get things back on topic... After you've watched and enjoyed it (or not, of course...), watch it again and check out the lighting. Can you figure out how it's lit? I don't...
  12. Nionyn

    Light - Is The most important aspect of photography

    Potato, potato; Tomato, tomato; Gary, Garry... Let's call the whole thing off. :LOL: The above is posted along with sincere and heartfelt apologies to Ira Gershwin.
  13. Nionyn

    Light - Is The most important aspect of photography

    Irony rules! Or something. :)
  14. Nionyn

    Light - Is The most important aspect of photography

    That would be terrible. A slippery slope too. Next we'd have our irony stripped from us... At that point it would all be over for us, and we might as well be American. :( Don't worry, Dino, and absolutely nothing personal! That ^ was definitely a joke. ;)
  15. Nionyn

    Light - Is The most important aspect of photography

    Good grief, don't worry about that. I'm quite sure that you haven't offended anyone. :) You did baffle people, though, firstly by posting a message that seemed quite pointless in a lighting forum where your point would have been old news to pretty much everyone. And then you baffled us again by...