Recent content by ohsouthlondon

  1. ohsouthlondon


    To be fair I'd be quite happy to overclock but wasn't sure what the crack is on that sort of thing in terms of life and how it is affected. Some people say yeah do it, the CPU will self regulate if it reaches dangerous temps, some people say don't go near it. Mind boggling! I half get RAM and...
  2. ohsouthlondon


    I knew I'd fall over! :D The problem I face is that I'm total hardware noob. Whilst I have no issues whatsoever with software and getting it to do exactly what I want, conversely I have no clue about hardware. All I really want to do is turn between £2k-£2.5k into a serious bit of PC, but...
  3. ohsouthlondon


    So for those of you in the know, how's this? Processor: Intel Core i7 4770K Haswell Processor 3.50 GHz (No Overclocking) CPU Cooler: Corsair Hydro H80i High Performance Liquid CPU Cooler Thermal Paste: Arctic Silver 5 Thermal Paste Motherboard: Asus Z87-PRO Motherboard -...
  4. ohsouthlondon

    Site 90% done, anyone fancy giving feedback :)

    I like the humour. It made me chuckle and of course everyone loves ninjas. I'm going to have to side with the others though, not a fan of white. Having the menu the way it is works for me, and it's easy enough to get around. I do also like the fact that it's quite clean and uncluttered. I...
  5. ohsouthlondon


    Holy mother of god, it's like a toy shop for adults!!! :eek:
  6. ohsouthlondon


    More awesome advice, thank you. I would love to self build but I just don't have the know how. To be honest, I've never been a fan of apple so I'm glad to hear that I can get potentially better performance from a PC. The ultrasharps look right up my street and one of the more comon themes in...
  7. ohsouthlondon


    Awesome advice, and I find myself further indebted to you. I believe I have heard enough to convince me that I was right to prefer windows and so I will get looking at some systems. It's a shame that I have no idea how to build a PC as I am painfully aware of how cheap it can be to do...
  8. ohsouthlondon


    Much appreciated, thank you :)
  9. ohsouthlondon


    Thanks for the reply. I had just noticed that it wasn't a retina display and whilst looking into that, I read that a lot of people really don't get on with the glossy display. I know from my design days that glossy screens are not ideal at all so I may have to look at a mac mini with a...
  10. ohsouthlondon


    So I'm looking at a PC/Mac setup that I can use for PP stuff as I improve my knowledge and skills. I've been looking at the following, but would like advice as to whether it would be suitable for PP stuff. Budget is around £2.5k (plus a bit of stretch for something special) and I was kind of...
  11. ohsouthlondon

    One for the wedding photographers

    Just a little bit of light hearted fun..... I'm a photgraphy newbie, but one thing I do know is photoshop, and wow....just wow....
  12. ohsouthlondon


    Wow that's a fantastic critique, thank you so much. Obviously I have my own opinions on my photos and ideas on how I could improve them as I believe anyone should with their own work, but you've opened my eyes to a few that I hadn't considered. I'm looking forward to trying a few new...
  13. ohsouthlondon


    I'm a total beginner fiddling with the manual settings and just wanted to get some feedback to see whether i'm heading the right way or failing miserably.... Thanks in advance!!
  14. ohsouthlondon


    That's actually a pretty good idea, and simple too. I'm starting to realise that one of the most important things is to learn to think for myself without trying to second guess everything.
  15. ohsouthlondon


    Amongst the confusion, some of you have actually given some very useful advice. So thank you to those people, it is very much appreciated and I intend to put a lot of it into practice immediately. There does seems to be huge volumes of information available on this site so I shall continue to...